Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Fitness Time Budget

The Time Budget

I’m sitting here on my couch right now while my son is watching the movie cars for the 100th time. Who I am kidding I love the movie too just maybe a bit more space out then once a day. So I began thinking about the time I spend with my son verses all the other stuff I have to get done so I wanted to address the Time Budget.

Christmas is such hectic time of the year and we all start to loose sight of the gym right around middle of November and usually don’t get back there until we make our New Years resolution to get fit and loose those extra 10lbs we gained. There is a way you can do all those extra things during this especially busy week and still manage to stay in shape.

To try and get over this time budget thing I have listed some of my ways I get over my time budget and some of the ways you can do this yourself.

Ok sorry just came back after 3 minutes of saying to my son stop, that’s enough, stop riding your scooter in the house. Just some of the things that might interrupt that time budget and well it just did for me. The most important thing you can do is not all of a sudden give up on what you are doing. Follow through and start here.

If you are always saying to yourself that you don’t have time and the reason is kids well here’s a possible solution for you and I say possible because you must be willing to change the way you do things a bit. I get my son involved when I workout. Now wait I know what you’re thinking, that he’s 3 years old and lifting a ton of weight. Wrong!

I have a pair of 1lb dumbbells that he likes to carry around because I have noticed that he likes to be like daddy or do what daddy is doing. When I’m doing pushups he will get on my back and it’s like joining in for him. When I’m doing lunges he will walk up and down with me. Now I know what you’re saying well you have a home gym and I don’t. Well I wrote an article titled Easy Home Workout Exercises so that you don’t have to leave the house to get a good workout.

I think you are starting to get the picture, if you have kids get them involved and we all have room at home to workout.

If you don’t have kids then some of us with kids might be saying that you should have more time, but hey we know that this is not always the case. I had you’re life once and work was a major priority and so was hanging out with my buddies. I get it believe me but we all want to have a life but I know that we all have the time to workout.

For those without kids you can wake a few minutes early or if you’re not the early morning person then about 30 minutes before bed you can hit the floor and do some pushups, grab a chair and put you’re feet on the chair and do some decline pushups. Off the same chair you can do some dips by putting the palms of you’re hands on the chair feet straight out on the floor together and back flush with the chair, now go down and come back up.

There are alternatives to going to the gym and they can still be effective. Here’s the point to this article, Manage you’re personal life like you would you’re work day and you’ll start to see the time just appear out of thin air. It’s always been there but I bet you are not managing your day. Take a step back and look at you’re day and ask yourself, do I have the time. I bet the answer is yes. The next question is do I want to do this? This is all about making a commitment to you’re self.

You need to reprogram you’re mind and the way you are used to doing things and start thinking outside of the box. Change this little bit and you will be well on you’re way. There is always time in you’re life to get fit and stay in shape.

Until Next Time

Limits of Liability
All information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.