Saturday, October 24, 2009

90 Day Body Transformation Workout 1

ML Athletics Boot Camp Instructor 90 Day Body Transformation

So here it is my 90 Day Body Transformation. When I was working a regular job which is the normal 9-5 but we all know that it’s really much more than that, I was able to really focus on myself since my days were very much routine, with breaks, lunches, a few minutes here and there for myself.

Well about 6 months ago my personal life and work life was completely rearranged and I went from working for someone to working for myself. My days are actually longer and the chaos has made it challenging to focus on myself. My days are very much normal in a certain sense, kids, house projects, long work hours, chaos. I am still eating well (should be better), working out (not as intense).

The last 6 months have been crazy and well the important thing is to get back on track as quickly as possible. It’s ok if you let yourself go but how quickly are you going to get yourself back on track.

So here is what I am doing, I am going to chronicle my 90 day transformation for you step by step, with workouts that I am doing, the types of foods I will be eating, nutrition tips and fitness tips to help you along in your own transformation.

You will get to see my transformation and how I get back into shape day by day. To stay connected and watch me go through my transformation you can follow me on for up to the minute info about what I am doing, or friend me on facebook to get first look at my workouts as they get uploaded

We all get busy and the first thing to go is our workouts and taking care of ourselves. I am making my commitment to myself and to everyone out there. I have just put myself out there and made it so I can’t fail meaning I am now accountable to you!

Check out my first video in the series:

ML Athletics Boot Camp Instructor 90 Day Body Transformation Video 1

Until Next Workout


Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

5 Tips on Eating for a Busy Life Style

5 Tips on Eating for a Busy Life Style

I think the majority of us have a very active and busy lifestyle running from place to place, work, kids, gym, shopping, the list goes on and on. It makes it almost impossible to eat healthy and have a nutrition plan in place so that you reach your fitness goals.

I will be the first one to say that it isn’t easy eating right when you’re on the go but it can be made easier if you follow these simple tips below.

1. Prepare your foods for at least 2-3 days out: Cooked brown rice will last up to 3 days tops, Cut up green and red peppers will last a couple of days or more, you can even boil eggs for a couple of days out and it makes them easier to eat on the go.

2. Pre-Plan you’re day the night before: Pack a cooler, and believe me if you’re days are long, the ice packs will keep your food fresh. I stress this one since if nothing is ready for you in the morning you are less likely to take time that morning to prepare. Take just 20-30 minutes the night before to plan your meals and snacks for the next day. If you have everything you need in one spot you are less likely to find yourself at your local burger joint down the road.

3. Bring a water bottle with you everywhere you go: Water is the key to everything we do. It carries nutrients into your blood stream and feeds your muscles. It helps us not retain water and one important note. Next time you feel extremely hungry ask yourself how much water have you had and I bet not enough. We often feel hunger when all we need is more water.

4. Snacks: Having snacks packed such as veggies , or nuts, or fruits already prepared in zip lock bags makes sure that you have something easy to grab when you’re out and about.

5. Eat every 3 hours: Eating every 3 hours ensures that you stay energized throughout the day while revving up your metabolism to help burn more calories.

Here is my meal plan that I use when I know I will be running around that day.

1. 5am Protein Shake with a Banana or instead of the banana I use a simple sugar mix from Power bar.

2. 7am Protein Bar

3. 9am Breakfast 6 boiled eggs with a low sugar oatmeal bar

4. 11am ¼ cup of trail mix

5. 1:30 or 2pm ½ cup of cottage cheese and a cup of diced up fruits.

6. 4:30pm Protein Shake

7. 6:30pm Dinner This one is usually at home for me and includes about 6oz of a meat and about a ½ cup of brown rice and lots of veggies. If you’re not home yet at this point a cup of cut up veggies to keep you going and you can just reach into that bag and pull them out. Easy to eat!

8. 8:30pm ½ cup of cottage cheese and a ¼ cup of cashews

Remember to adjust for workout days and non workout days and include those pre/post workout meals into your days if you are working out. Check out those pre/post meal choices here:

Now remember this is my meal plan and is not for everyone but it gives you an idea of how to plan your day. I am a creature of habit and it might seem boring but it does make it easier to stay on track.

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach


P.S. There are still a few open spots for our bootcamps:

Danvers Bootcamp Morning 6am Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Located at the Danvers YMCA

Danvers Bootcamp Evening 7:15pm Tuesday and Thursday: Located at the Danvers Calvary Episcopal Church

Billerica Bootcamp Morning 6am Tuesday and Thursday: Located at Flip City Gymnastics

Billerica Bootcamp Evening 7:15pm Tuesday and Thursday: Located at Flip City Gymnastics

Visit for more info and to register!

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.