Saturday, March 28, 2009

5 Quick Tips to Staying Healthy During Cold andFlu Season!

Quick Tips to Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season!

I am writing this today since well yup I got sick. I am not happy about it and the last time I was sick was about 2 years ago. That's right. Could you imagine going 2 years without being sick well if you can't you have to read below.

Drink Plenty of Vitamin C or take the tablet form

Which ever one you choose it doesn't matter but it is a must to helping your immune system.
So what's a good amount to take?

The FDA states that an amount of 60mg is sufficient.

Well here is what I take. 1000mg a day but that's just me.

Keep in mind the following:

Taking excessive amounts of vitamin C (more than about 1000 mg per day) may cause nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and possibly kidney stones. Discuss the use of vitamin supplements with your doctor.

Keep Hydrated:

This one is so simple that I believe I have included it in many of my articles and blog posts.There have been studies tying headaches to not having enough water in your body.

Now here is what we have been told for years. Drink 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day. Now let's think about this one for a minute.

If you weigh more shouldn't you drink more? If you workout more and stay very active don't you need more?

I think you get the picture. Get plenty of water every day.

Eat Healthy:

If you keep to a consistent healthy meal plan every day then you are more likely to stay healthy.
I'm not saying that you can't treat yourself but that doesn't mean eating like crap everyday.

Plenty of veggies, fruits, protein, good fats, and solid carbs for energy.

Keep stress out of your life at all cost.

By remaining stress free your body is more likely to stay healthy and not be brought down by bacteria waiting to get it's hands on someone who is stressed by life.

Try getting back to the simple things in life like listening to your favorite music, get a hobby if you don't have one, take a walk on the beach.

Just make sure to give back to yourself since you spend about 99% of your time giving back to everyone else.

Well how can you stay stress free. Read the next and last tip.


Studies have shown that exercise helps to aid your mind and body when it confronts stressful situations.

Workout at least 3 times per week and you will find yourself having more energy, a better body and a bit more of a stress free life.

I live by these tips.....