Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tis the season to get FATTER!!!

Tis the season to get FATTER!!!

Here it is another year, and another what, couple more pounds to tack on. So your in you're 40's now and you are trying to figure out just how you put on all those extra pounds. You guessed it. Every year we go through the holiday season and oh what a season it is. It's all about running out to the store's to get presents for all the little kiddies and all the angry drivers on the road and the rage in the stores. Did I forget something ummmmmmm oh yeah FOOD.

We somehow have said that during the holidays it's OK to gorge on mounds of food and deserts from every corner pastry shop. I am not sure about you about but the holidays for me are about family, friends, and good times talking about old times. I could go on but this blog isn't about that, no it's about how we just don't know when to say no to all that food on the table.

Have you figured out now how a couple of pounds every year for 10-15 years gets you an added what 20-30lbs. Well there you have it the answer to the riddle.

So what do you do? How do you resist all that food and the cannollis and pastries and this and that and this and that. Sorry got lost thinking about all that food. There are a few ways to can help to curb your appetite when visiting the families over the holidays and I have listed the below.

This is a warning!!! If you don't stop now, another 15 years will pass and another 30lbs will get added on. So take cover under the coffee table and hide yourself from all that temptation. AHHH, if only that would help.

Some quick tips on not gaining those extra couple of LBS...

· Make sure to have breakfast that morning as well. Don't say to yourself that I will just wait until we get there. You know that by the time you get there you could eat a horse and not the little pony kind either.

· Before getting to the fams for the feast, grab a protein shake and a hand full of peanuts to help curb you're appetite. Cashews, almonds and natural peanuts have all shown to curb the appetite. These are good fats but again don't over do it.

· Take a look around at the table filled with food. I will guarantee you that there must be a healthy protein source you could have along with a lighter type of carbohydrate.

· Stick to portion control. Instead of filling that plate full of food and calling it the volcano from hell try making a plate the size of your palm and about an inch high. That's a balanced size meal.

· Now this one is important. When you move onto the desert part of the feast. It's OK to have one but don't have a piece of this and a piece of that and keep going until you have tried 12 different types of desert.

· Drink plenty of water. Most people don't realize that when they feel hungry they might actually be thirsty and you are trying to fill your stomach with food when you're body needs water. Remember you're body is made up of almost 75% water.

· Do cardio the night before, the morning of and the day after to help you burn some of those extra calories off. It's comes down to this. How many calories you take in vs how many you burn out. Chances are you are taking in more than you are burning.

· Stick to weight training. Lifting weights burns twice as many calories as regular cardio does. Try incorporating a circuit workout into your routine. Check out my Easy Home Workout Blog for a kick butt workout.

Stick to these tips for the holidays and you will be well on you're way to not gaining those lbs.

Until Next Time

Limits of Liability
All information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Exercise Tips 101

Not enough people really take the time to put into practice the proper method to exercise. So here is what I have done for you. I have put a list of 10 tips to help you get more out of your workout and these will also help you develop good habits when working out.

Remember to put these into practice starting now! Here are some exercise tips that should be followed each and every time you workout.

1. Warm up before starting any resistance training. You should not be just jumping into to it without giving your muscles a proper warm up. Take 5 to 10 minutes on the bike or treadmill. This will save you injuries and time spent out of the gym.

2. Your workouts should not last more than 1 hour if you are trying to gain muscle since your body's fuel with deplete and it will be left with nothing but muscle to feed off of for energy.

3. Opposite to #2, if you are trying to loose weight then you can spend the extra time in the gym. 45 minutes spent on weight training and another 45 to 60 minutes doing cardio.

4. Do cardio after a workout or even better than this is to do cardio first thing in the morning when you wake since there are no calories to burn but fat. This is the most effective way to loose weight.

5. Sip water during your workout. You need to stay hydrated. Don't over do it, since too much water in your stomach, could make you, well for lack of a better work, PUKE!

6. Change up your workout routine once your body has adapted to it. You need to consistently shock your body. If your routine that you are doing currently has you bored and not getting anything out of it then it's time to change it up. Instead of Bench Presses all the time go to push ups or use dumbbells.

7. Use progressive resistance. Increase the weight gradually on every successive set you do. You cannot expect to see results if you are always lifting the same weight. If you simply start with 20lbs on the first set, then move to 25lbs on the second set and then to 30lbs on the third, you would have just completed a progressive set. Pretty simple step but you need to move to the next level each time your body adjusts to what you are doing to it.

8. I am not saying this just because I am a personal trainer and looking to just sell you on my sessions but hmmmm maybe, no I am just kidding. Get a trainer. You don't have to sign up for excessive sessions but you do need to know how to workout correctly. There are many different packages you could purchase from a trainer and you don't have to sign up for 50 sessions. I see people every night working out incorrectly. This is just upping their chances of injury. Please do not be too MACHO to ask for help, that' right men I'm talking to you. Ladies, don't be shy, ask. We get paid to help you so why not take the right advice.

9. When doing cardio work use interval training. This just means that you switch up the difficulty levels during you workout. For instance, if you are on the treadmill you would warm up for about 5 minutes and then gradually move up from there. Well kick it into high gear and then back off for a couple of minutes then kick it into high gear for 5 minutes and then back off again. This will help your body increase your metabolic rate which directly affects the fat burning process.

10. If you train 3 days a week then there are a couple of ways you could hit your muscles, train upper on the first day, lower on the second and then upper again on the third day. This gives your body the proper amount of rest it needs to heal those broken muscles. The other way is to incorporate both upper and lower on each day, for instance you could focus on upper body the first day but add 1 or 2 exercises for lower. Then on the second day focus on lower body then add a couple of exercise for upper body but don't over do it.

No excuses now. Get too it and change things up and follow these simple tips and your body will be thanking you.

Until Next Time

Limits of Liability
All information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Nutrition Tips

Build muscle fast with Award Winning Optimum Whey

Nutrition is such an important part of loosing weight, building muscle and should just be part of your everyday life. If you are not giving your body what it needs, then exercising is basically, "all for nothing". Did you know that when you sleep, your body requires a certain amount of calories just to breathe, sleep, and lay their. If you are not even providing your body with those calories then you can see that if you do everything else during the day you would need more than just those calories for continued energy. I wonder if this explains the fact that you might be tired everyday. Do you complain about being tired, muscles hurting, you just don't have it in you to play ball with your kid. Well now you know why. You’re not giving your body enough of what it needs to continue throughout the day.

I sleep on average about 5 hours a night due to the fact that I work about 16 hours a day, have a 2 and half year old, a fiancé, and a home with many projects that need to get done, oh yeah as well as working out myself. If I was not eating about 8-9 times per day I would never be able to do all these things.


If you want to loose weight then you should be eating 5 to 6 small meals per day to help your metabolism kick in and start the fat burning process. Easily explained you need to treat your body like a furnace. The more fuel you input the more it burns. The concept is the same when it comes to burning fat. The more good calories you eat the more you will burn. You see your body goes into what is called "starvation mode" when you do not feed it. It say's he is not feeding me so therefore I cannot let go of my fat stores because I might need it when it comes time. Your body holds onto fat because that is its basic survival instinct. Now this does sound easy but each person is different so how many calories should you eat what should you eat?


1. This is so important that I put it first on this list. Drink plenty of water. During exercise your body will sweat and you will loose a lot of water so keep yourself hydrated. Water also aids in delivering important vitamins and minerals to your muscles.

2. Try to eat at least 5 times per day if not more depending on how many calories your body needs. Your body needs a constant supply of food to keep it working on burning calories. This means that every 2 to 3 hours you’re should be supplying your body with another meal. Now this seems like a lot but you will find that by eating this way you will never be tired or sluggish. Think of your body as a race car to keep it racing at the speed it does it needs a constant supply of fuel well your body acts in the exact same way.

3. To break #2 down a bit further. Each meal should have a ratio of 3 parts Carbohydrates, 2 parts protein, and 1 part fat.

4. When you plan out your day think about whether or not you will be working out that day and adjust your calorie intake for this. If you are planning on working out put in a bit more carbohydrates into your caloric intake for the day and vice versa on non-workout days. It’s so important to adjust your calories to what you are doing on each given day.

5. Vitamins are so important these days. You will get some of what you need through the foods you will eat each day but you need a good source of vitamins to help your body stay healthy and active when you are dieting.

6. Try not to consume alcohol, nicotine and other substances, since this will just sabotage everything you work for. Remember you are investing time and energy into living this new healthy lifestyle.

7. Track your progress so that you can make changes when needed. Weigh yourself each and every week. You will find that on this diet your weight will fluctuate every day since your calories are different each day. If you weight 200 on Sunday by Saturday you should have lost an average of 1-2lbs. Everyone is different so you might loose more or you might loose less. No matter what keep your eye on the prize and stick with it.

Until Next Time


Limits of Liability
All information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Nutrition Tips

Build muscle fast with Award Winning Optimum Whey

Nutrition is such an important part of loosing weight, building muscle and should just be part of your everyday life. If you are not giving your body what it needs, then exercising is basically, "all for nothing". Did you know that when you sleep, your body requires a certain amount of calories just to breathe, sleep, and lay their. If you are not even providing your body with those calories then you can see that if you do everything else during the day you would need more than just those calories for continued energy. I wonder if this explains the fact that you might be tired everyday. Do you complain about being tired, muscles hurting, you just don't have it in you to play ball with your kid. Well now you know why. You’re not giving your body enough of what it needs to continue throughout the day.

I sleep on average about 5 hours a night due to the fact that I work about 16 hours a day, have a 2 and half year old, a fiancé, and a home with many projects that need to get done, oh yeah as well as working out myself. If I was not eating about 8-9 times per day I would never be able to do all these things.


If you want to loose weight then you should be eating 5 to 6 small meals per day to help your metabolism kick in and start the fat burning process. Easily explained you need to treat your body like a furnace. The more fuel you input the more it burns. The concept is the same when it comes to burning fat. The more good calories you eat the more you will burn. You see your body goes into what is called "starvation mode" when you do not feed it. It say's he is not feeding me so therefore I cannot let go of my fat stores because I might need it when it comes time. Your body holds onto fat because that is its basic survival instinct. Now this does sound easy but each person is different so how many calories should you eat what should you eat?


1. This is so important that I put it first on this list. Drink plenty of water. During exercise your body will sweat and you will loose a lot of water so keep yourself hydrated. Water also aids in delivering important vitamins and minerals to your muscles.

2. Try to eat at least 5 times per day if not more depending on how many calories your body needs. Your body needs a constant supply of food to keep it working on burning calories. This means that every 2 to 3 hours you’re should be supplying your body with another meal. Now this seems like a lot but you will find that by eating this way you will never be tired or sluggish. Think of your body as a race car to keep it racing at the speed it does it needs a constant supply of fuel well your body acts in the exact same way.

3. To break #2 down a bit further. Each meal should have a ratio of 3 parts Carbohydrates, 2 parts protein, and 1 part fat.

4. When you plan out your day think about whether or not you will be working out that day and adjust your calorie intake for this. If you are planning on working out put in a bit more carbohydrates into your caloric intake for the day and vice versa on non-workout days. It’s so important to adjust your calories to what you are doing on each given day.

5. Vitamins are so important these days. You will get some of what you need through the foods you will eat each day but you need a good source of vitamins to help your body stay healthy and active when you are dieting.

6. Try not to consume alcohol, nicotine and other substances, since this will just sabotage everything you work for. Remember you are investing time and energy into living this new healthy lifestyle.

7. Track your progress so that you can make changes when needed. Weigh yourself each and every week. You will find that on this diet your weight will fluctuate every day since your calories are different each day. If you weight 200 on Sunday by Saturday you should have lost an average of 1-2lbs. Everyone is different so you might loose more or you might loose less. No matter what keep your eye on the prize and stick with it.

Until Next Time


Limits of Liability
All information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Living Better Through Fitness

Living better through fitness
So this blog is dedicated to living better through fitness.

Ask yourself these questions.

How are you feeling right now?

Do you have aches and pains?

Are you fatigued all the time?

Do you start to crash and burn right around 2 in the afternoon?

If you answered yes to any or all then you are not living better through fitness. Fitness should be such an important part of everyones daily lives these days but people are just too busy to take care of themselves. The truth is this, your life would be much easier to handle if you had fitness as part of your daily life.

Fitness does not just affect the way you look but it affects all of the following and much more:

The way you handle stressful situations.

It helps you deal with all those busy days of running around dropping and picking up the kids.

It helps you with your energy levels throughout the day.

It helps you with the normal everyday aches and pains of getting older.

There are so many advantages to having fitness as part of your life that you just can't hold off on including it in your daily life anymore.

I have a 3 year old son and if you are reading this right now and also have a son that age or been there already then you know that they are extremely hyper and are always keeping you on the go. Well I can say that I am not tired after a weekend of chasing him around all the time.

I am able to keep up with him because I include fitness in my daily life making me feel like I am 25 and not 35. Due to the type of training I put my body through such as funtional training my body can take the abuse my son inflicts on me everyday and I love it.

If you are sitting here right now and reading this then you want to take a step in the right direction and start getting healthy not just for you but maybe for the little one. Whatever the reason just make sure you do.

Don't wait another day to start feeling better.

Tomorrow is no different than today so stop holding off.

Until next time....


Limits of Liability
All information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Men in your 30's A Must Read about Testosterone!

Alright so you are starting to get older and you’re finding yourself a little less likely to maybe wake up in the morning without any morning surprise. Well not to worry. Follow these tips and you will find yourself back on track and feeling, well let’s just say that your wife will be pleased with how you’re looking at her.

1. Keep meat in your diet. A diet higher in fat promotes higher testosterone. Meat has cholesterol in it, a precursor to many hormones, such as testosterone. Red meat is high in zinc, which supports testosterone. Include steak, lean ground beef or roast beef in two of your five or six daily meals to sustain testosterone levels.

2. Whey Protein. I am such a big supporter of this but only for when you first wake in the morning and then before and after your training session. Whey Protein contains BCAA’s which supply the food for your muscles to grow which you guessed it increases your test level. Make sure to take this with a slow burning carb which is usually items like, oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes. Add in about 5 grams of Glutamine and you have a perfect pre and post workout supplement.

3. Vitamin C: Studies have shown that this supplement can help to lower cortisol levels and well lower cortisol levels means more muscle gains. Supplement and add about 1000mg during your day split that up between your morning and afternoon meals.

4. Remain Stress free, I say this because stress is the main cause for a rise in cortisol levels and this will hinder your muscle gains. Find something that in times of stressful situations keeps you level headed.

5. After training your body has now been stressed and this is the time where cortisol levels rise. To combat this, consume simple sugars with your post workout shake. Here is another reason for taking these simple sugars in. You will create a high insulin environment and this helps to suppress cortisol which is the muscle killing hormone that can put your metabolism into a catabolic state. You want to be in an Anti-catabolic state and promote muscle growth.

6. Lastly do not over train. If you are feeling fatigued then it’s time you take a break from the gym and why not your body is telling you too. When you over train your cortisol levels go crazy and you hinder your chances of muscle growth. You’re body needs a break from time to time to heal and recover from the stresses of training. So sit on the couch and chill.

I think by this point you see a trend within all these tips. It’s called Cortisol and it is the devil and you do not want it anywhere near your muscles. Now don’t get me wrong cortisol is used for some great things such as the fight or flight response. Cortisol is produced in the adrenal gland and under times of great stress it kicks into high gear. Unfortunately it hinders muscle growth.

So guys it’s time you man up and start feeling that pump again, in more ways than one.

Until Next Time

Limits of Liability
All information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Easy Home Workout Routine

Easy Home Workout Routine

If you have visited my website then you know that I have my own training studio in my home. This just means that I don’t have to travel 15 minutes to the gym and back. Initially I did this because I wasn’t able to find time to leave the house with a 2 year old and a new house that I had just purchased with all those home projects. I am pretty sure that you can relate to this since the biggest excuse everyone has for not getting to the gym is that they have no time.

I bet you didn’t know though that you could get just as an effective workout at home or an even better workout than you would at the gym.

You see when you’re at the gym you tend to socialize with friends or others that are walking around and there is nothing wrong with that, it is a basic human function to want to talk to others but here is the fact. You tend to loose focus, on yourself and basically don’t really end up having a good workout.

So here is what I have done. I have combined a list of exercises done in a routine for your whole body that either requires, very little or no weights at all. I here you, you’re probably saying right now well how can I train without weights and get an effective workout. Weights are only required once you get stronger. Here is an example, you are doing a bicep curl with 5lbs for about 2 weeks and realize after this 2 week period that it is not giving you the same burn you had when you started with that weight. The bicep has grown and become stronger so to work it even more you must increase the amount of weight, simple right?

Well the same goes for exercises without weights. The difference is that exercises without weights just require you to change the way in which you’re doing the exercise, but that is a discussion for another time.

I am going to ask this of you, try this workout at home just once and then email me and tell me how you felt during and after the workout.

First you’re going to start with 10 minutes of jumping jacks, and jogging in place. If you have a treadmill at home you have the option of doing that for 10 minutes to get the blood pumping.

Now that you’re warmed up you can move into the actual workout. You will do the following workout in succession.


1. Pushups
2. Back Row
3. Standing Alternating Shoulder Press
Repeat 2x’s in a row
Max Reps
Max reps on each one of these exercises

Start with pushups:
This is the most basic and effective of exercises but no one uses them anymore.

If you have pushup bars, they might put a little less strain on you’re wrist but if you don’t that’s ok as well. Start with a standard push like you see me doing here. Do this for 1 set at as many as you can do. If you can’t do them on your toes then start them on you’re knees but make sure to keep you’re midsection pushed up like you see me here. Do not let it fall into the floor. You will just be lifting with you’re legs at that point and it won’t do anything for you’re chest.

Next exercise is the Back Row

Bend at the knees slightly taking your back down to a parallel position to the floor. From here you will bring your arms down to the floor like shown in the starting position, keeping you’re elbows close to you at all times. The next phase shown is the actual row, by pulling your elbows in tight and bringing them up as high as they can go you will target the back muscles. Check out the picture to the right.

3rd Exercise in this phase is the Alternating Shoulder Press

You will be standing for this exercise and it is important to note the proper posture to have while doing this exercise so that you will not throw out your back.

Start with one foot in front of the other while slightly bending at the knees. Bring your arms up at a 90 degree angle this will be your starting point. From here take and press one arm up while rotating your palm in, the end point and repeat on the other arm.

Now we are onto lower body:

You will run this part in the same sequence as above:


1. Static Wall Squats
2. Lunges
Repeat 2x’s in a row
Max Reps

Starting with Wall Squats:

Find a wall and bring yourself down to a 45 degree angle just slight above 90 degrees and you will hold this position for 10 seconds and then move yourself down to a 90 degree angle and hold for another 10 seconds and repeat this up and down until you get up to 60 seconds. You will have held yourself in the 45 degree angle 3 times for 10 seconds each time and the same at the 90 degree angle. Tell me you don’t feel the burn on this and you thought you needed weights. Are you sweating yet?

The next exercise is every ones favorite. Can you hear the sarcasm?

Lunges: You will need a chair for this one. Take the top of your foot and put it on top of the chair like in the first picture and the other foot out in front at a position where when you come down your knee is over your ankle and not your toes. This exercise is all about the entire leg working everything from your butt to your calves and your hamstrings. Make sure that you’re are dipping that back leg down like in the second picture and not pushing forward with your front leg. Back leg dips and the front knee remains in the same position the whole way through this exercise. Stay focused as this one is not easy you could also use a stick to hold yourself up for balance.

Remember to take your time and quality over quantity is where you are headed. Focus on the form.

Until Next Time


Limits of Liability
All information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.