Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bad News Bowl of Veggies

Bad News Bowl of Veggies

It's just about impossible to gain weight just by eating veggies. I mean seriously, you'd have to eat a LOT of 'em.


Salads are a different story all together. Why is it that every time people want to get rid of their belly fat they break out the salad bowls and start eating like a rabbit?

Thing is, MOST salads people eat are loaded with fat and calories. It's as if people think bacon, cheese and ranch dressing suddenly have amazing fat burning properties when they're on top of a couple of carrots and broccoli.

Look, you probably don't really want to know how much damage you did the last time you ate "healthy" and went to the salad bar for lunch.

But what's done is done. Here are the tips you need to remember the next time you order one. They are from the Head of R & D at Prograde Nutrition, registered dietitian Jayson Hunter:

1) Ask for the dressing on the side and dip the tongs of your fork in the dressing and THEN pick up some salad. It gives you just enough, flavor and keeps your calorie intake under control.

2) Choose a salad that has grilled protein in it such as chicken or fish. Remember, it should be GRILLED and not fried.

3) Sorry, leave off the cheese and bacon bits. You know why ;-)

That’s it pretty simple right?

Until Next Time


Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dumbest 'Slimming' Snack Advice Ever

Dumbest 'Slimming' Snack Advice Ever

It's no wonder people are so overweight. It's no wonder people don't have the flat stomach they crave.

With TV commercials as misleading as they are it's really no shock whatsoever.

You're inundated with crummy information and myths every time you turn on the TV.

A while back they were running a commercial for some silly Rice Puff product. It was in an office setting and someone had brought in cupcakes for everyone to enjoy.

One woman looked worried she was going to ruin her "diet" because of the temptation and decided to "fill up" on a Rice Puff product.

Come on. You're smarter than that. You know darn well that a rice puff thingy is going to fill you up and stop you from stuffing your face.

For one thing, you need to expect these situations to arise. Whether you want six pack abs or just want to get to a perfectly healthy weight, you have to have a plan for temptation.

Second, that means you need to plan meals so you aren't completely starving when someone brings cupcakes to your office or something.

You know you need to eat small, frequent and nutritious meals if you really want to achieve fat loss.

Third, if you are looking for a great tasting healthy snack that fulfills your love of chocolate then look no further.

Prograde Cravers are just what the fitness pro ordered.

Check them out here:

Cravers are only 180 calories and they are made with 100% organic dark chocolate. They are completely delicious and they are the perfect snack for busy people on the go.

They even come in three flavors.

Anyway, don't buy the hype on TV. You know better than that.

Until Next Time…


PS - It ends this Thursday! Remember, Prograde Nutrition is currently having a BIG 10.9% off everything January Celebration Sale to celebrate the New Year and the fact they are now shipping to the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.

Yes, that's 10.9 as in January of 2009 ;-)

Here are some other details I want to make sure you know about:
- Again, you receive 10.9% off all Prograde products.
- It will run from Thursday, January 8th until Thursday, January 15th at 11:59pm EST.

- Yes, that 10.9% off will be applicable to SmartShip orders. But it only applies to that first purchase. Not ongoing.

- The coupon code you enter at checkout is:


- The website is

- If you want to check out Prograde Cravers right away go here:

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

30 Minutes of Fat Burning Activity

30 minutes of Activity is all you need.....

Here's a very simple rule of thumb when trying to burn more calories.

Calories in Vs Calories out...

Simple, right?

Burn more calories than you put into your body.

To do this you must have a great nutrition plan in place and you must also be active.

So here's what I did today.

Sledding. YUP did it again.

I used the same workout that I used last weekend but this time upped the intensity.

I put my son on my shoulders and walked up the hill each time.

Talk about putting your body through torture.

That was my activity today.

What was you’re activity today?

Even if you don't find yourself getting out of the house you can do simple workouts even while watching TV.

I have listed a routine below that takes about 20 to 30 minutes that you can use anytime.

Start with Static holds.

These are great for abs and overall muscle development.

1. 1 set of Leg holds. Get on your back and keep your head back. Put your legs out in front of you together and bring your heals 6 inches off the ground now hold it there for as long as you can. Great ab work. Repeat this 4x's

2. 1 set of leg raises. 15 reps. If you can't do all 15 at the same time then take small breaks until you work up to 15 reps. Stay in the same position as above but instead of holding these you will keep your legs straight out in front of you and raise them up in the air. Basically folding yourself like a jack knife.

3. 2 Set of pushups 10 reps a piece. For a tougher workout spread your hands out a bit further. These are Fly push ups. Again if you can't do all the pushups at the same time work your way up to them.

4. 2 Sets of Squats. 10 reps a piece. Put a chair out and use this as a guide. This is if you feel like you will fall backwards.

If you find yourself feeling good after the first time around with this workout then repeat it once or twice more for an even bigger burn.

This workout works the whole body, keeps you active and most important doesn't take long to do at all. No weights involved.

Give it a shot and let me know how it works out for you.

Until Next Time


Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.