Monday, May 17, 2010

Calories Control VS Healthy Eating

Hey All,

It's an awesome day out there! Loving the day already!

So I hit one of the Northshore's oldest places to go to the Salem Willows this weekend. Took the little guy out with the wife. He loves the arcade and running around after the seagulls. I'm not a big fan of running after the seagulls since some of them look down right mean, I don't know if you have ever seen then but they look like they will pluck an eye out.... Too much.....

Years ago I used to go there probrably about once a week for the chinese food. Something about the taste. Hey we all have our little vices just happens to be one of mine......

Anyway I'm sitting in line waiting to order and I see all these people in front of me getting their food and well to see it first hand just blows my mind away. I saw this one gentlemen reach for his plate and it had 2 chop suey sandwiches on it.... I mean Whoa...

I then did some digging online and found this:
Chop Suey
Calories: 271
Total Fats: 19.8
Carbs: 4.4
Protein: 19.8
Per 1 cup

Now looking at that plate each sandwich had at least 2 cups in it and the above doesn't even include the bread.

That plate had somewhere between 1300 and 1600 calories easily. Now don't get me wrong if you are one of my training clients then you have heard me say a million times that treating yourself is a good thing but there should be a limit, the key word here is Limit.

Here's the thing, there are so many programs out on the market right now most of which focus on portion control and while that's a part of the problem it's not all of it.

Think of it this way: if you are controlling your portions but the food you are eating is still bad for you then how can you say that my eating is not that bad. If the food you take in makes you feel run down, slow, sluggish, moody which it can if you eat too many bad carbs, all that sugar can make you crazy.

Is it really that good for you? I just want to get you thinking about this.

By the way I did have a pupu platter for 1 but didn't get through the whole thing. I have chinese food about once every 2 months. That was it, but I'll tell you since my system is not used to eating that food it doesn't crave it like it did years ago when well I wasn't so health food aware.

We need to start thinking on the GI ( Glycemic Index Scale) If you are not familiar with this one it's how carbs affect your blood sugar levels. Eat food on the lower end of the scale and you'll start eating healthy.

Start making small changes in your eating habits,

1. Have more veggies for fiber so that you feel fuller for longer periods of time and you won't want get cravings for that crappy food.

2. Have more fruits for the natural sugar and you won't be craving those candy bars so much.

3. Drink more water throughout the day, your body mistakes dehydration for hunger. This is a big one are you drinking enough water?

These are simple things that we can do to change the way we eat as a society, I know that when I look at my son these are the things that ring in my head everyday wanting to make sure that he grows up in an environment that is healthy.....

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach


P.S. We are holding our first ever Beauty from the Inside Out Event:

ML Athletics Presents
Beauty from the Inside Out Event
Wednesday, June 16th, 6pm to 8pm
Calvary Episcopal Church, Corner of Holten
and Cherry Streets Danvers, MA 01923

Come and taste, touch and try products that will make you look and feel your best from the inside out!

The event will feature the following:

Isotonix Drink your Vitamins for Rapid Absorption.
Transitions Lifestyle System The last weight management program you will ever need.
Motives Cosmetics by Loren Ridinger Customizable, hypoallergenic cosmetics infused with vitamins and antioxidants.
Anti-aging skincare featuring Cellular Laboratories, Timeless Prescription, VitaShield, Skintelligence
Giveaways, Product sampling, and Refreshments

RSVP to Mike LoColle at (978) 269-4070 or by 6/1/10 and get 2 raffle tickets toward the grand prize!

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.