Friday, May 7, 2010

Basic 5 Recipe for Weight Loss Success Part 2

Hey All

Before we get into it, I want to wish all the Mom’s and Mom’s to be a Happy Mother’s Day!

Basic 5 for a Successful Workout Program. Part 2

Well I am in my 6th week of training for Strongman and this week was a light week with an extra day off for recovery purposes. My body is feeling better today for it and well so is my mental state of mind as well.

Last week I brought up the recipe for success that is needed to achieve weight loss, muscle growth, power, speed and all of the above… I covered the first 2 on the list and today I will hit upon the rest of them.

Supportive Nutrition
Sensible Supplementation
Strength Training
Interval Training
Personal Assistance

Strength Training:

Strength training is such an important part of any program, be it weight loss, body building, overall athletic strength and speed needed. Now when I discuss strength training I am talking about incorporating weights into your routine at least 2-3 times per week. I am going to list a few benefits for Women and Men:

1) Increased Metabolic Rate – Women you are always looking for that secret to weight loss... well here is the first secret! Strength training increases your metabolic rate by increasing the calories you burn on a daily basis. The more calories you burn, the more chance you have to drop body fat.

2) Restoring Bone Density - Strength training prevents and fights osteoporosis. This is a big one for women….

3) Increased Lean Muscle Mass – Super Important!!!! You will not Look like the guy on FLEX magazine by strength training! You simply do not have enough testosterone in your body. For every pound of lean muscle mass that you have, you burn 35-50 calories per day! Let’s do the numbers:

If you have 10 pounds of lean muscle mass then you burn between 350-500 calories. If you have 20 pounds you burn between 700 and 1000 calories per day!
These are just 3 but there are so many I couldn’t list them all. Do the research it’s intense.

Interval Training is our next topic:

What is it? It’s an exercise strategy that is intended to improve performance with short training sessions. HIIT High Intensity Interval Training is a form of cardio which is beneficial to burning fat in a short and intense workout. Usual HIIT sessions may vary from 9–20 minutes. The original protocol set a 2:1 ratio for work to recovery periods. For example, a runner would alternate 20 seconds of hard sprinting with 10 seconds of jogging or walking.

Personal Assistance:

The more customized your program is for you, the better your results will be. When you combine an effective fitness program with proper nutrition, supplementation and accountability, you can make incredible changes.

It is the job of your Fitness Professional to give you the right amount and type of work for your goal and ability. However, your body is naturally driven to adapt to this workload (i.e. plateau). A plateau occurs when the body adjusts to changes in internal and/or external conditions or circumstances. Science is still unable to predict when a person will plateau, but one thing is for certain – it will happen..

Doing the same type of exercise without variation or failing to increase the challenge when your body "adapts" to the present workload, are just two examples of conditions that will steer your results to a complete halt. In order to avoid a plateau during your transformation, your Fitness Professional will make changes in your exercise routine or eating habits to help you reach the next level. The best way is not to do more of the same, but try new exercises or change the frequency, intensity, or duration of the routine.

Even though your Fitness Professional individualizes each of the components necessary to begin the journey toward your goal, it does not end there. There are many factors that may affect when and how significantly the other four components will need to be manipulated to keep you on the path to success. Your Fitness Professional will help you avoid plateaus by keeping your body in a caloric deficit (adaptation period) until you look the way you want. This can only be accomplished by following all 5 Components and correctly.

Here's your Weekend Workout! 45 Minutes and you'll be sweating it up....

Full Body Tri-Set Circuit Fat Blast Workout

Each Exercise will be completed for 1 minute.
Upper Body Bootcamp Workout

Leg Workout
• Prisoner Squats
• Reverse Lunge
• Jump Lunges

Repeat 2 more time and take a 2 minute break

• Leg Raises
• Crunch To Leg Raise
• Mountain Climber

Repeat 2 more time and take a 2 minute break

Upper Body
• Military Pushups
• Decline Pushups
• Shoulder Pike Press

Repeat 2 more time and take a 2 minute break

• V-Crunch
• V-Bicycle
• Double Leg Press Outs

Repeat 2 more time and take a 2 minute break

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach

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Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.