Saturday, January 2, 2010

8 Tips to Ensure your Weight Loss Goals

8 Tips to Ensure your Weight Loss Goals

It’s the New Year and you’re ready to make that same resolution that you made last year and even maybe the year before. Lose Weight!

Well why is that the same resolution that keeps popping up each year? How come you haven’t hit your goal of losing weight last year? Well I have a list of tips that you need to follow and write down to make sure that you are not making the same New Year’s Resolution.

You need to set Weight Loss Goals: So how do you create weight-loss goals that will help, not hinder your weight-loss efforts? These 8 tips can get you started:

• Individualize your goals. Set goals that are within you reach and be aware of your limitations. Take into consideration your personal fitness level, health concerns, available time and motivation. If you follow this simple step you will be that more likely to hit your goals.

• Set realistic weight-loss goals. A good steady weight to lose each week is about 1-2lbs per week. To accomplish this, you need to burn or subtract 500 to 1,000 calories more than you consume each day through a low-calorie diet and regular exercise.

• Focus on the process. Forget about the I want to lose 50lbs goal, think of this as a lifestyle change and make a goal of exercising on a regular basis and eating healthier and the weight will naturally come off.

• Short Term Goals Vs Long Term Goals. You need a short term goal that will keep you motivated throughout the course of say 3 months. This will make sure that you can reach your goal and not get discouraged. If you follow this one you will be that much closer to your long term goal.

• Put it on paper. This is such a simple tip, but people that put their goals on paper are much more likely to reach those goals. Write down everything including details of what time will you workout, where will you workout.

• Set a deadline. You need to set a start date for your new lifestyle change. There are things that hold all of us back so plan for those and settle those and make sure that you are able to start your weight loss plan and not keep putting it off.

• Life’s Obstacle’s. Life gets in the way and we all know that. We have kids, work, family, friends, etc…. Well plan for these and allow time in your plan that says it’s ok for a small setback and then make sure that you get back on track quickly.

• Reassess where you are. You need to review your progress, did you reach your goal last week, last month if not, what do you need to do to make sure you will next week or next month. You might need to adjust your goals based on what you have going on. Be willing to do this, if you’re flexible then you will stick with your first goal: Losing weight!

If you have gone at this alone and failed then don't be afraid to ask for help or find a trainer, or group atmosphere that will assist you in reaching your goals. How bad do you want it? Accountability is the key to your success.

Over 90% of people that make this one New Years Resolution of losing weight fail to hit their goal and quit. Don't quit this time!

ML Athletics has a killer 12 Week Challenge that will ensure that you reach your goals. Check it out here:

Until Next Time,

Your Fit Coach

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Most Critical Part Of Your Workout

I know I stress this all the time this is just a quick reminder of how important it is……
Ok, so you're working your butt off. You're sweating. You're hustling. You're getting that exercise "high." Heck, not only are you now enjoying your workouts, but you want to learn more about how to make them more effective.

That's great!

It never ceases to amaze me how most people don't give their bodies a second thought. They think they just go to the gym...walk on the treadmill...throw some weights around...go home and eat whatever...

Seriously, the human body is the most complicated piece of machinery on the planet. Do they really think there's ZERO science behind exercise? Do they really think they can just eat whatever is in their fridge after working their butts off?

I dunno, maybe it's just me, but it drives me a little crazy when people look at fitness as nothing more than guesswork. Actually, it's a little infuriating.

Take post-workout nutrition, for example. Does it make sense that there be an OPTIMAL way to fuel your body after all the demands you make of it during your training session? Of course it does!

Bottom line: Recent studies have shown that a carbohydrate AND protein formula is more effective for rapid replenishment of muscle glycogen after exercise than a carbohydrate only supplement of equal carbohydrate or caloric content.

In other words, just drinking a "sports drink" after your workout doesn't cut it. The research indicates you need to fuel your body with just the right combo of carbs AND protein. And yes, this is hyper-critical to optimizing your efforts.

Here are two more things you need to know about getting the most bang for your workout buck:
1) As a proud Prograde Partner I'm pumped to let you know that Prograde Workout is now available on a FREE trial basis. There's just a small S & H fee.

2) On the link below you can also learn more about the research study on post-workout nutrition.

Yes, Prograde Workout recovery drink is based on this very research. It provides the right combo of protein and carbs that your body craves after a tough training session.

Just click this special link right here and find out for yourself how you can try it for FREE:

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach

PS - If you want to optimize your efforts then you owe it to yourself to try Prograde Workout and see the results for yourself.

PPS - Don't forget that January 8th is the cutoff for the 12 Week Fat Blast Body Transformation Challenge. This Challenge is for Both the Danvers Bootcamp at the YMCA and Calvary Episcopal Church as well as both classes for the Billerica Bootcamp held at Flip City Gymnastics.

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.