Monday, January 26, 2009

Change and Action

Change and Action

I am going to talk a bit about making a change and taking action in you’re life to better you’re health through fitness and proper nutrition.

Now this is not a political discussion so what ever you’re beliefs are this has nothing to do with them. It’s about Change and Taking Action.

Last week was a historic week with the inauguration of the first black president in history. We have come a long way in this country. We have changed our thought process. We made history.

President Obama clearly stated that this country needs a change and what did he do on the first day of his Presidency? He made change. Regardless if you agree or disagree with this man he made change by taking action.

So what’s this have to do with fitness and nutrition? Change and Action are required if you want to achieve you’re fitness goals.

In today’s society we have a real problem. America is over weight and I’m not sure that we really realize the true nature of the issue.

So what are we doing to cure obesity in America?

We are the number one country in the world with this problem.

Most people don’t realize that their over weight until it’s too late.

Now it’s at this point that they want to change and help themselves but it’s also at this point that they might feel that they are too far gone to help themselves.

Its effects every part of you’re life, Looks, health, Self Confidence.

So who is the one responsible for curing this epidemic?

The answer is easy. YOU

Yes you. You are the one that needs too take action.

Action is the cure for this issue in our country.

Without taking action you will still be sitting on that couch eating down to the bottom of that bag of chips.

Action only results from wanting to make a change.

The time is now and you can’t wait any longer or this countries issue only gets worse.

I know I might be being a bit hard right now but I feel that people are not taking the problem seriously until you watch the news and see this 800lb man that is stuck in their apartment for the last 5 years because they are not able to get up and fend for themselves.

You might be saying that well he has a thyroid problem or it’s something medical.

Listen that man got that way simply by eating more food than his body required simple.

The time is now and you have to take ACTION!

Until Next Time


Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

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