Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ML Athletics Bootcamp Pre/Post Workout Meal Importance

ML Athletics Bootcamp Pre/Post Workout Meal Importance

Ok, here it is, everyone tells you to eat 5-6 times per day. Easy, Right? Well maybe, but you’ll have to adjust for what you have going on that day.

- Are you working out?
- Do you have a busy day of running around ahead of you?
- Are you planning on taking the day off from work and curling up under the blankets?

You really have to think about what you are doing so you can make sure you are not taking in more than you need in calories per day. You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.

Once you figure this out and pre-plan your meals around that, you will start to get results.

The focus of this post though is the very first bullet point above.

- Are you working out that day?

If you are working out then you better fuel up for your pre-workout and your post-workout meals. Going into a workout you want to make sure you have the proper nutrition so that you can last a good 45-60 minutes.

There are important reasons as to why you want to fuel up for a workout and refuel after a workout.

You want to fuel up before your workout so that your body is not pulling energy from your muscle protein stores. Breaking down your muscles for energy will not help you burn more calories.

If you fuel up your body will use a combination of the carbohydrates from the food you eat and pull energy from your fat stores which means you burn calories efficiently = fat loss.
How long before a workout should you eat?

Roughly about 60-90 minutes before so that you’re not keeling over and well getting sick….

Why Re-fuel after a workout? Two reasons:

Your energy levels are depleted and have to be replenished.

A proper meal about 30-45 minutes after a workout will help you recover and heal quicker. Your muscle tissue needs to be repaired for muscle growth. Ultimately this is an important one since muscle burns more calories than fat does, but that’s a topic for another post…..

So make sure you are getting what you need for your pre and post workout meals. This will make all the difference in how much fat you burn and ultimately how fast you want to reach your goals!

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach,


Don't forget that the Danvers Bootcamp Evening Location was moved and we have 5 more spots left. The Danvers Bootcamp Evening Class is now located at the Calvary Episcopal Church on the corner of Cherry and Holten right across from the Danvers Town Hall.

We now offer 2 Locations:

Danvers Bootcamp located at the Danvers YMCA and Calvary Episcopal Church

Billerica Bootcamp at Flip City Gymnastics on Cook Street

Check out for more class times and locations.

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

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