Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sugar Your Weight Loss Enemy

Sugar Your Weight Loss Enemy

Do you ever say to yourself I am doing everything possible to lose weight but I am not losing a pound? I can’t understand why I am eating right, drinking enough water, working out 4-5 days a week, why am I not losing anything.

Well the problem might be something that you overlook and for most that’s exactly what’s happening.

Have you taken a look at your sugar intake?

Did you know that only 10% of your calorie intake should come from sugar? At least that’s what the experts say. Did you know that alone sugar has absolutely no nutritional value at all.

Then why is it found in so many of the foods we eat? The answer is simple, Taste.

That’s it! It’s all about the taste of a food.

Here’s a statement you might not like, you don’t need any sugar in your daily calorie intake.

So what about your sugar in your coffee? Well I have listed below some of the things you can do in your day to avoid eating sugar and adding those extra empty calories that could be preventing you from losing those pounds.

But first let me list just a few of the things that sugar can do to upset the body:

• Sugar can contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, and concentration difficulties.
• Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity.
• Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection.
• Sugar can cause tooth decay, acidic stomach, speed up the aging process, causing wrinkles, and gray hair.

Sugar is at fault for all of the above and so much more but the list us too long to put here.

So how do you reduce your sugar intake?

• Learn to enjoy foods that are naturally sweet.
• When cooking and reading a recipe use less than what is recommended.
• Use spices and herbs that are natural.
• Use Stevia or Sweet Leaf.
• Buy fresh fruits or fruits packed in water instead of syrup.
• Pay close attention to food labels looking at the ingredients, most sugars will be listed as the following, brown sugar, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, palm sugar, corn syrup, maltose, lactose.

Are you getting the picture? Sugar sugar sugar sugar, not good for you and it isn’t needed in your diet. So eat the naturally sweet foods to get your fix for that sweet tooth.

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

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