Friday, May 14, 2010

My Adventure with Fat Burners

Hey All,

It's Friday and the weekend is upon us and from what I hear things are looking good.

One of the most common questions I get from my clients and bootcampers is what's a good fat burner?

Well before I give you my opinion let me tell you about my encounters with the majority of fat burners out there and some that you haven't even heard of before...... I'm sure of it!

I got into bodybuilding at about 22 years old. This was after a 3 year lay off from lifting weights after high school. Well when I got into it, it was to lose about 30lbs that I had put on and I ended up losing 36lbs in a 6 month timeframe. I felt awesome needless to say but then I met him, I will leave names out of it but he was the big guy in the gym, he became somewhat of a mentor or when I look back not a great one but one none the less.

He got me into the bodybuilding and from the 36lbs I had lost in 6 months I had gained 45lbs in 3 years, now this was muscle and yes it was a natural muscle. Trust me it takes alot of food to hold onto that weight. Anyway bodybuilders have to be big but not only that they have to be super shredded.....

I call this my little adventure as the big guy at the gym suggested using fat burners. I had never tried them before but within a years time I had tried about a dozen different kinds. Yeah I know, that's alot but it wasn't because I was trying them out, I was actually searching for one that didn't make me feel like I was running around with my head but off.

I mean WOW, the very first one I tried was a yellow pill that is actually still on the market today and it rhymes with Packers and I made the mistake of taking 2 the first time around. I was up until 8am the next morning I called out of work that day and slept all day and when I woke up I felt like a train had hit me......

Every fat burner I tried after that just left me with the same feeling, a crazy high and then an extremly crazy low and if it you took it long enought say about a month like I did when you came off of it, your body just couldn't get up and going by it self it felt like you were missing something.

I mean hey don't get me wrong, you want to lose weight but do you have to feel like an addict in the process?

I even tried one called napalm death yes true story, I shopped at this little place in burlington and the guy working the counter that day recommended it to me so me being me had to try it and when I opened the bottle the pills were dark gray and there was that powder coming off of it almost like smoke. I should have stopped there and closed it up and said no way but I didn't and well same deal just another crazy high followed by a crazy low.

I did this over the course of about 5-6 years and then I all together said forget it I'm done with burners I don't care what comes out on the marker I'm not trying it.

and I didn't, for the next 5 years I treated my body with plenty of good food, good supplementation and exercise and called it a day.

Well about 6 months ago I was introduced to another product from a freind of mine and I just looked at him and said all set. I have had my share of crap and I'm all done with it.

He asked me why and I gave him the short answer and just said they all leave you feeling crazy and when you come off of them you feel like you need them. He went on to tell me about the natural ingredients and that the reason for the crazy highs and lows on the other stuff was that most of the ingredients in those were un-natural.

Well after about 20 minutes of conversation I said you know I haven't tried them in over 5 years and well maybe, just maybe this could be different. I ordered the sample pack that way if I didn't like it I wasn't out a more money. I started with half the dose since I am also a bit caffeine sensitive and well the first day went by just fine no jitters either, the next day was a workout day and took another half dose and my workout felt intesified!

I basically saying yeah ok this can't be, but what I decided to do was stick with the half dose for a month and then come off for 2 weeks to see how my body handled the off period and see if I would crash which I thought I would most certainly do.

To my surprise yeah nothing I didn't crash, it didn't even feel like I was missing anything. That was during December and January that I decided to stick with it and now well I use it more for my workouts to get a boost of energy than anything else. But it is a great weight loss product.

It was actually out of stock for almost 2 months but it's back in now.

Here some of the info on it and a great video to it as well:


View the product video on that page as well for more info on how it's made.

I'm now back on the burner kick but only because of this product....

Until next time

Your Fit Coach

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

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