Monday, December 8, 2008

Exercise Tips 101

Not enough people really take the time to put into practice the proper method to exercise. So here is what I have done for you. I have put a list of 10 tips to help you get more out of your workout and these will also help you develop good habits when working out.

Remember to put these into practice starting now! Here are some exercise tips that should be followed each and every time you workout.

1. Warm up before starting any resistance training. You should not be just jumping into to it without giving your muscles a proper warm up. Take 5 to 10 minutes on the bike or treadmill. This will save you injuries and time spent out of the gym.

2. Your workouts should not last more than 1 hour if you are trying to gain muscle since your body's fuel with deplete and it will be left with nothing but muscle to feed off of for energy.

3. Opposite to #2, if you are trying to loose weight then you can spend the extra time in the gym. 45 minutes spent on weight training and another 45 to 60 minutes doing cardio.

4. Do cardio after a workout or even better than this is to do cardio first thing in the morning when you wake since there are no calories to burn but fat. This is the most effective way to loose weight.

5. Sip water during your workout. You need to stay hydrated. Don't over do it, since too much water in your stomach, could make you, well for lack of a better work, PUKE!

6. Change up your workout routine once your body has adapted to it. You need to consistently shock your body. If your routine that you are doing currently has you bored and not getting anything out of it then it's time to change it up. Instead of Bench Presses all the time go to push ups or use dumbbells.

7. Use progressive resistance. Increase the weight gradually on every successive set you do. You cannot expect to see results if you are always lifting the same weight. If you simply start with 20lbs on the first set, then move to 25lbs on the second set and then to 30lbs on the third, you would have just completed a progressive set. Pretty simple step but you need to move to the next level each time your body adjusts to what you are doing to it.

8. I am not saying this just because I am a personal trainer and looking to just sell you on my sessions but hmmmm maybe, no I am just kidding. Get a trainer. You don't have to sign up for excessive sessions but you do need to know how to workout correctly. There are many different packages you could purchase from a trainer and you don't have to sign up for 50 sessions. I see people every night working out incorrectly. This is just upping their chances of injury. Please do not be too MACHO to ask for help, that' right men I'm talking to you. Ladies, don't be shy, ask. We get paid to help you so why not take the right advice.

9. When doing cardio work use interval training. This just means that you switch up the difficulty levels during you workout. For instance, if you are on the treadmill you would warm up for about 5 minutes and then gradually move up from there. Well kick it into high gear and then back off for a couple of minutes then kick it into high gear for 5 minutes and then back off again. This will help your body increase your metabolic rate which directly affects the fat burning process.

10. If you train 3 days a week then there are a couple of ways you could hit your muscles, train upper on the first day, lower on the second and then upper again on the third day. This gives your body the proper amount of rest it needs to heal those broken muscles. The other way is to incorporate both upper and lower on each day, for instance you could focus on upper body the first day but add 1 or 2 exercises for lower. Then on the second day focus on lower body then add a couple of exercise for upper body but don't over do it.

No excuses now. Get too it and change things up and follow these simple tips and your body will be thanking you.

Until Next Time

Limits of Liability
All information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

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