Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tis the season to get FATTER!!!

Tis the season to get FATTER!!!

Here it is another year, and another what, couple more pounds to tack on. So your in you're 40's now and you are trying to figure out just how you put on all those extra pounds. You guessed it. Every year we go through the holiday season and oh what a season it is. It's all about running out to the store's to get presents for all the little kiddies and all the angry drivers on the road and the rage in the stores. Did I forget something ummmmmmm oh yeah FOOD.

We somehow have said that during the holidays it's OK to gorge on mounds of food and deserts from every corner pastry shop. I am not sure about you about but the holidays for me are about family, friends, and good times talking about old times. I could go on but this blog isn't about that, no it's about how we just don't know when to say no to all that food on the table.

Have you figured out now how a couple of pounds every year for 10-15 years gets you an added what 20-30lbs. Well there you have it the answer to the riddle.

So what do you do? How do you resist all that food and the cannollis and pastries and this and that and this and that. Sorry got lost thinking about all that food. There are a few ways to can help to curb your appetite when visiting the families over the holidays and I have listed the below.

This is a warning!!! If you don't stop now, another 15 years will pass and another 30lbs will get added on. So take cover under the coffee table and hide yourself from all that temptation. AHHH, if only that would help.

Some quick tips on not gaining those extra couple of LBS...

· Make sure to have breakfast that morning as well. Don't say to yourself that I will just wait until we get there. You know that by the time you get there you could eat a horse and not the little pony kind either.

· Before getting to the fams for the feast, grab a protein shake and a hand full of peanuts to help curb you're appetite. Cashews, almonds and natural peanuts have all shown to curb the appetite. These are good fats but again don't over do it.

· Take a look around at the table filled with food. I will guarantee you that there must be a healthy protein source you could have along with a lighter type of carbohydrate.

· Stick to portion control. Instead of filling that plate full of food and calling it the volcano from hell try making a plate the size of your palm and about an inch high. That's a balanced size meal.

· Now this one is important. When you move onto the desert part of the feast. It's OK to have one but don't have a piece of this and a piece of that and keep going until you have tried 12 different types of desert.

· Drink plenty of water. Most people don't realize that when they feel hungry they might actually be thirsty and you are trying to fill your stomach with food when you're body needs water. Remember you're body is made up of almost 75% water.

· Do cardio the night before, the morning of and the day after to help you burn some of those extra calories off. It's comes down to this. How many calories you take in vs how many you burn out. Chances are you are taking in more than you are burning.

· Stick to weight training. Lifting weights burns twice as many calories as regular cardio does. Try incorporating a circuit workout into your routine. Check out my Easy Home Workout Blog for a kick butt workout.

Stick to these tips for the holidays and you will be well on you're way to not gaining those lbs.

Until Next Time

Limits of Liability
All information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

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