Thursday, May 28, 2009

Danvers Ma Bootcamp Instructor Gives you an Easy Home Lower Body Workout

Danvers Ma Bootcamp Instructor Give you an Easy Home Lower Body Workout:

I was extremely exhausted last night since I was trying to make sure to pack everything for my road trip to NJ for Business. I knew I hadn’t worked out since Monday and I knew the chances were that I would not work out Thursday night after the drive down.

So I put together a quick 30 minute workout that was effective but not overwhelming on my body. Now this was an all lower body workout without any equipment meaning you can do this right from the comfort of your living room.

I use some of these very same exercises for my Fast Blast Bootcamp in Danvers.

Each Exercise can be done a couple of different ways and it’s all in your preference.

You can either use a method of timing the exercise for 30 seconds or using a repetition method and counting how many you are doing. Usually a good rep count would be between 10-20 reps.

I put it together as follows:

1. Start with Standard Squats and then a pause at the bottom position for 10 seconds or 5 if you are a first timer and then repeat one more time for another 10 and another pause for 10 seconds.

2. Move to in place lunges using either the Timed or Rep Method of counting your reps.

Repeat the above 1 more time before moving on to the next mini-circuit.

1. Jump squats are next for 10-15 reps

2. Followed by wide pray squats for 10-15 reps

Repeat the above 1 more time before moving on to the next mini-circuit.

For the Mini-Circuit below you will start at one wall in your house where you have enough room and doing the exercise to the other wall and then back.

1. Walking lunge up, down, up, down.

2. Jump Squats across the floor up, and then down.

3. Jumping jacks 20 reps

Repeat the above 1 more time before moving on to the next mini-circuit.

1. Jump Switch Squats

2. Repeat these 1 more time

Check it out live on video for a quick tutorial on how to do these exercises.

Lower Body Home Workout

There you have it doing these mini-circuits back to back with a 1-2 minute rest in between will have you sweating and have your legs feeling like they have never been worked before.

Until Next Time


Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

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