Sunday, May 24, 2009

Davners Ma Bootcamp Instructor Talks about Training For Intensity

Danvers Bootcamp Instructor Talks about Training for Intensity

I got to thinking about this over the last couple of weeks. You see I have been working out with a couple of good friends of mine who want to get back into shape and I basically invited them into my training sessions 3 times per week.

I will say that they are making incredible progress and I am pumped about that. During these sessions though I am all business.

My workouts are only about 45 -50 minutes long but they are extremely intense. My buddies have said to me several times during these sessions:

Your Crazy, wow man when you gonna stop, is it always 5 more. I tell them the only way I know how to train is with INTENSITY. I go all out and I don't stop for 45 minutes.

Why well that's what feels right for me and it is the time frame when 95% of us who train know that we are coming to the end of a workout that is if we are giving it our all.

You see most of us go to the gym in hopes of losing weight, building muscle, obtaining six pack abs, whatever the reason you go to the gym you know that the goals above are not easy to reach.

I use intensity in everyone one of my ML Athletics Bootcamps which are held in Danvers.

They are possible though and that is what I am here to tell you. You need to take a look at how you train, meaning how hard you train when you are at the gym. Take a look at the people on the biggest loser, now take a look at the trainers on that show and how hard they push those people.

Do you push yourself as hard as those trainers push the biggest loser trainees?

You need to train for maximum intensity when you're in the gym, think about it you're only there for what, say maybe an hour or so. What if I told you that you could take the hour and a half that you're normally working out and turn that into a 45 minute intense training session that would burn more calories than what you would in your hour and a half.

Maybe you're the type of person that likes spending that amount of time in the gym, talking it up, and not getting anything done. I bet you still look the same as when you purchased that gym membership.

Sorry for the blunt words but take a look at how you train and the next time you say to yourself, I'm not losing any weight and I can't figure out why well I think you'll know why.

I hope you take action because sitting around and lying to yourself about how hard you train just won't do.

Until Next Time


Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

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