Friday, November 6, 2009

Muscle Gain and Body Fat Loss

Muscle Gain and Body Fat Loss

A lot of people really don’t associate the two together. The question that I get a lot though is can I do both at the same time. The answer is…..well I am not going to totally answer it just yet.

You see depending on who you talked to your going to get different answers. Some say yes it’s possible, other’s say no it’s not possible. WHY?

Well I need to first break this question down.

Fat loss = Fewer calories taken in/more calories burned/higher interval cardio output.

Muscle Gain = More calories taken in/less calories burned/less interval cardio output.

Now those above are on opposite ends of the scale. So how can you burn fat and build muscle, the answer is simply by combining the two training styles into your weekly routine and adjusting your calorie intake for the given day based on what you are doing that day.

Now I think that the reason that this question has many different answers is simple: Most people when thinking about gaining muscle revert back to the old school thought process of guys putting on muscle and size for sports or just to look super big.

When thought about fat loss the old school thought process is to do more cardio, running, treadmill, boring at least for me…. And to take in less calories

Well, these days, people want slim sexy arms, combined with a trim stomach and lean thighs. Basically they want both!

If you want to do one more than the other then yes you will have to pick which side you want to be on, and adjust your calorie intake for that and expect that you will either gain more muscle or burn more fat the choice is yours and nutrition has everything to do with that choice.

Ladies this statement is especially for you: You want to have muscle on your body, since muscle burns more calories while not active. On average and this is just an average and does differ from person to person depending on a lot of factor’s but that’s a subject for a different post.

1 LB of muscle burns an average of 50 calories meaning that this will help you reach your fat loss goals that much quicker. So next time you see men lifting weight don’t be scared, give it a shot and start building some muscle to help in your quest for fat loss.

So is it possible to do both at the same time? Yes….You can build muscle while losing fat. Just like you can build muscle without gaining weight. Or gain weight without gaining fat.

You can lose fat, gain muscle but not see a reduction in weight. WHY? Your body reshapes itself and that’s where it’s important to take measurements every 3 months or so.

It all depends on your calorie intake. Leave all the other old school thought process of doing one more than the other to the bodybuilders as they are the ones that go through those cycles more than the person who is just looking to get healthy and get back into shape.

Concern yourself with eating healthy, doing a variety of training and you will have both!

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach



Check out my workout from yesterday with legs, lots of circuits with the same exercises. My legs are beat today!

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

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