Friday, April 30, 2010

ML Athletics Fat Blast Boot Camp Basic 5 Part 1 with a Mini-Boot Camp Workout

Hey All,

It's Friday and I have been hitting the weights really hard over the last month or more now! If you haven't seen some of the new vids on my training routine check them out here: I am in the process of training for strongman and an event that I think I will enter in August. Even though it's a few months away the training to get there is tough and it's what's required.

Anyway I thought that I would put together for you the recipe for success when it comes to any workout program when it comes to either losing weight, building muscle, strongman training, athletics training. No matter the basics are always the same across the board regardless of your fitness goals.

Basic 5 for a Successful Workout Program. Part 1

I am going to go over the first 2 today with you and send you the next 3 on Monday so that you can start with the basics and not get overwhelmed. Focus on a couple of areas at a time and then get the rest in place. Yes it's a process.

Supportive Nutrition
Sensible Supplementation
Strength Training
Interval Training
Personal Assistance

Supportive Nutrition:

Nutrition is by far the key to success when it comes to your fitness goals. Eating properly will not only allow you to improve your health and energy, it also give your body the ideal environment for an incredible transformation - maintain lean muscle while reducing unwanted fat.

If your goal is to lose body fat, you have to eat fewer calories than you burn. This sounds simple, but when your drop your caloric intake, the body becomes feels it and gets out of balance. It is the body’s job to restore balance, and it does by either reducing the amount of calories it burns for energy ( by using muscle instead of fat) or by forcing you to eat more.

This is one of the main reasons why fad diets don't have long term results.

If you want to lose weight take your goal weight multiply it by 10 and this is your caloric intake each day. Is it that easy well yes and no. You will start with that number and either work down or up based on your activity level through the course of 4 weeks. There is an adjustment period your body needs to go through. It's very common to gain a few pounds within the first few weeks of a new nutrition program, but don't get discouraged once your body realizes that you are eating enough it will then start to shed what it doesn't need, FAT!

Eat foods that are higher in fiber to keep you feeling fuller longer. More Veggies, more fruits, balanced meals, each brown carbs instead of the white starchy carbs. Brown rice, sweet potato, oatmeal. Don't be afraid of fat as your body needs it. Things like, all natural Peanut Butter, Turkey Bacon, and olive oils. Eat Healthy and the side effect is weight loss. Get rid of the number and start living heathly. You'll notice a difference.

Sensible Supplementation:

Now this one needs a great nutrition program first. The question I get mosted often is do you have a magic pill that I can take and the answer is simple. I answer it with a question. Do you have a great nutrition plan in place. This does not work with out the other, they work hand and hand.

Here are my recommendations for certain supplements:

Protein Shakes I get mine here as the cost to serving ratio is great and they have some great deals and many flavors to choose from: Supplements101

Multi-Vitamin Isotonix:

•Supports a healthy immune system
•Contains 100 percent or more of the recommended daily value of essential vitamins and minerals
•Promotes the conversion of food into energy
•Supports a healthy cardiovascular system
•Supports strong bones
•Promotes skin health
•May promote mental clarity
•Helps maintain normal blood pressure
•Supports a healthy thyroid
•Promotes normal healing
•Helps maintain normal metabolic functioning
•Supplements deficiencies in diet
•Promotes healthy growth and repair of tissue
•Helps maintains water and electrolyte balance in the body


•Combats free radicals
•Demonstrates anti-inflammatory activity
•Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels
•Helps maintain healthy circulation by strengthening capillaries, arteries and veins
•Helps maintain joint flexibility
•Helps promote cardiovascular health
•Helps reduce mild menstrual cramping and abdominal pain
•Helps support visual health/visual acuity
•Potent free radical scavenger
•Promotes healthy blood vessel dilation
•Promotes healthy nitric oxide levels
•Supports a healthy complexion
•Supports healthy blood glucose levels

Carb Blocker:

Now I don't recommed this one to everyone as not everyone is the so-called Carboholic! Yes, ask yourself this questions: Do I need to have my pasta, bread, potatos, white rice, can I live without these... If you answer if I can live without these then you skip ahead you'll be good. But if your answer was no I am not going to sacrafice my eating so that I can lose a few extra pounds then read on here:

•Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels
•Reduces the effects of high glycemic index foods on blood sugar levels
•Reduces the effects of food on blood sugar levels
•Helps inhibit carbohydrate absorption in the body
•Helps inhibit the absorption of starch and maltodextrin
•Works on salivary and pancreatic enzymes to inhibit the breakdown of starch into glucose
•Works to inhibit the breakdown of starch into glucose
•Promotes overall reduction in BMI
•Helps promote weight loss


•Increases energy
•Helps to alleviate occasional fatigue
•Promotes thermogenesis and lipolysis
•Promotes weight loss
•May suppress appetite
•Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels
•Contains key ingredients that support normal metabolic functions

Now normally I will not promote or endorse a fat burner but, and this is a huge but for me. This one works. I know I'm taking it. You see most fat burners are made with Caffienne and I am not a huge fan of it since well I crash and burn and instead of feeling energized I get ancy, anxious and just plan drive my wife up the wall at times. If the product has un-natural ingredients then you will feel un-natural.

Thermachrome is made with the real stuff. Don't take it from me each one of the headings is a link that take you to a page with real product video demo's and it lists all of the ingredients and it has nothing to hide. By the way this one is sold out yes it's that good and it's that real..... They still have the sample packs for purchase though.

I take each one of the above except the carb blocker as I am not a bad carb eater but the rest combined with my nutrition program and I am able to do the things I can in the gym when I train. If you want to push yourself to the point where results are had then you need a plan in place.

By the way here is a quick boot camp workout challenge. We use it in our Danvers and Billerica Bootcamps as part of a Challenge workout. Workouts don't have to be complicated to be efficient. Some of my best workouts have only been with 4-5 exercises.

ML Athletics Mini-BootCamp Workout Challenge

200 Reps with cardio sprints

25 Pushup
25 Jump Squats
25 Tri-Cep Dips
25 Lunges

Short Distance Sprints back and forth for 60 seconds

25 Pushup
25 Jump Squats
25 Tri-Cep Dips
25 Lunges

Short Distance Sprints back and forth for 60 seconds

That's it, this workout should take about 20 minutes or so and the intensity is high. Just push through it and you'll better at the end.

Well that's it and as always I am here for questions or comments. Just leave them below.

I'll be back next week to talk to you about Strength training, Interval training, and Personal assistance. I'll also have another 20 minutes workout routine for you as well.

Talk to you soon

Your Fit Coach

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

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