Monday, February 21, 2011

Sacrifice & Your Commitment to Yourself

Hey all,

I am not sure how else to put this so I will just lay it all out for everyone……

So over the past few weeks I've noticed a lot of people having some serious challenges with their weight loss goals.

What I'm here to talk to you about today is what does it take to lose weight

Is it exercise?

Is it the food you eat?


How about dedication, commitment,

Oh here’s a big one, Sacrifice this last one is huge.

So sacrifice is so important that it should be first on the list. Most people don’t realize that when getting into a program like this or in general just trying to lose weight and stay in shape that there are certain things we have to give up for a little bit……

We have lived a certain lifestyle for certain period time it could be year 2yrs, 5yrs, or even 20, or 30yrs, and we've lived that way for so long that to try to live a completely different way now is a huge sacrifice and that's really kind of what I'm here to talk to you about today.

The steps to lose weight are actually pretty straight forward but you must be mentally ready to take on this challenge. You need to be committed to yourself, you need to be dedicated to the program and you need to sacrifice some of those things that you may not want to initially to get to your goal I know that, that's the reason why most of you are not getting the results you want to see.

You really have to take the time and say to yourself: Can I for 12 weeks live without my glass of wine can I live without my pasta can I live without my breads……Can I live without all those thing that I enjoy? Just for a little while……

There a lot of programs out there that say you can still eat what you want and lose weight, to a degree that is true but it only works for so long. A lot of you have to understand that you really need to change the way you eat and your lifestyle.

It’s your lifestyle that needs to be changed. It's the way you think, the way your brain is programmed right now that needs to be changed first.

And a lot of you may not be at that point to truly sacrifice those things, those little things to get to where you to be.

You might say that you're uncomfortable in the body that you have but if you lived in it for 20 years then how uncomfortable could you really be?

So where do you start? Simple Start with you, make small changes over time so that by the time 4 weeks have passed you are on a steady track to losing weight.
Here’s some tips…

To change the way you live you have to start right at home……

1.Get rid of the temptations, now you might say well I have kids and how can I deny them cookies, or cake, or ice cream. Simple get them to eat the way you eat, I am not saying not to treat them once and a while and yourself too, but it’s a treat……Don’t by that stuff when you go shopping.

I have a 5 year old before you start saying well you don’t understand, trust me I do! He now asks me for fruit, veggies with every meal, did this come over night, I say NOT… took time but he doesn’t crave the cookies, the sugar, the salts……

2.To piggy back on number one, when you go shopping force yourself to look down, that’s where the healthy foods are. The food companies pay the supermarkets for an eye level shelf because they have studied the human brain, we are programmed to look eye level and they know it……

3.To those wine drinkers, and I have spoken to many of you that like a good glass of wine and hey so do I from time to time. Ask yourself if you need it every night….. It’s full of sugar and that’s your number one enemy against weight loss.
Remember 12 weeks to a new you is very possible but you must be willing to start there…….

Are you willing to sacrifice those little things in life for a short period of time, when you'll be able to go back to them eventually but you need to get the results your want first…

I'll leave you with that and you know I'm here if you ever need questions or anything I can answer for you.

I would love to get your feedback and comments below and even some helpful suggestions from people that have had success with weight loss….. What tips can you give us?

Start with changing you!

Have an awesome day
Your Fit Coach

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.


  1. Nice job Mike!
    Tip: if you're not really sure of how many calories/fat/carbs/protein for a meal, but think, "it might be too high in (.....)" eat only half. It's OK to save the other half. If you're truly hungry in 2 hours, have a healthy snack or the other half of your meal you saved.

    Tip: Find a replacement for the wine, iced tea w/ sparkling water? green tea chilled? gatorade/powerade with some water? still water with lime or lemon and drink it out of a wine glass. Sometimes our habits have to do with the "untensils" we use. Fake your brain and feel better about it later.

    I can attest, both tips work!

  2. sneakers: $90.00
    workout clothes: $45.00
    Y membership: $50.00
    Bootcamp twice a week for 12 weeks: $300.00

    Girls digging my new bod at the beach this summer: Priceless

    C'mon people!!!! Spring is almost here!!! If you've already started eating better and working out more, you've got a head start!!! Don't blow it now! Put down the candy bar and get some celery sticks!!!!

    In all seriousness, this isn't as easy as eating celery but making up your mind that now is the time to change can be the catalyst. For me, I needed a big "WHY?". WHY do I want/need to change? What did I want from it? I wanted to be able to keep up with my kids and to feel better than I was, nearly 30 lbs overweight. And I wanted to look a lot better this summer and for the rest of my life. I'm not there yet but I am making progress and it gets easier every day. Stick to your workouts, write down what you eat and talk to Mike so he can keep you on track. Make it public information at your home and work if you need to so you have a support network. This fitness stuff is contagious and you'll be amazed at the support and feedback you get! Shop the perimeter at the grocery store. The real food - fruits, veggies, fish, lean meats, whole grains, is usually on the outside walls for some reason. Just think - grocery shopping in half the time!!! Read Michael Pollan's book, " Food Rules." Schedule your treats if you need to. Write up a weekly menu so you know when you can have a goody and stick to it. Eventually, you'll probably be able to even forego dessert altogether. Sugar becomes so...ho hum. It does. Really. Not kidding. Work hard! You can do this! YOU CAN DO THIS!! Brian - Wenham, MA
