Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Most Critical Part Of Your Workout

I know I stress this all the time this is just a quick reminder of how important it is……
Ok, so you're working your butt off. You're sweating. You're hustling. You're getting that exercise "high." Heck, not only are you now enjoying your workouts, but you want to learn more about how to make them more effective.

That's great!

It never ceases to amaze me how most people don't give their bodies a second thought. They think they just go to the gym...walk on the treadmill...throw some weights around...go home and eat whatever...

Seriously, the human body is the most complicated piece of machinery on the planet. Do they really think there's ZERO science behind exercise? Do they really think they can just eat whatever is in their fridge after working their butts off?

I dunno, maybe it's just me, but it drives me a little crazy when people look at fitness as nothing more than guesswork. Actually, it's a little infuriating.

Take post-workout nutrition, for example. Does it make sense that there be an OPTIMAL way to fuel your body after all the demands you make of it during your training session? Of course it does!

Bottom line: Recent studies have shown that a carbohydrate AND protein formula is more effective for rapid replenishment of muscle glycogen after exercise than a carbohydrate only supplement of equal carbohydrate or caloric content.

In other words, just drinking a "sports drink" after your workout doesn't cut it. The research indicates you need to fuel your body with just the right combo of carbs AND protein. And yes, this is hyper-critical to optimizing your efforts.

Here are two more things you need to know about getting the most bang for your workout buck:
1) As a proud Prograde Partner I'm pumped to let you know that Prograde Workout is now available on a FREE trial basis. There's just a small S & H fee.

2) On the link below you can also learn more about the research study on post-workout nutrition.

Yes, Prograde Workout recovery drink is based on this very research. It provides the right combo of protein and carbs that your body craves after a tough training session.

Just click this special link right here and find out for yourself how you can try it for FREE:

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach

PS - If you want to optimize your efforts then you owe it to yourself to try Prograde Workout and see the results for yourself.

PPS - Don't forget that January 8th is the cutoff for the 12 Week Fat Blast Body Transformation Challenge. This Challenge is for Both the Danvers Bootcamp at the YMCA and Calvary Episcopal Church as well as both classes for the Billerica Bootcamp held at Flip City Gymnastics.

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Holiday Calorie Control Tip #3

Holiday Calorie Control Tip #3 (Last Day to Save)

So far we've talked about creating a PLAN to control your calorie intake during the holidays. And part of that plan was really watching your alcohol intake because it can lead to bad eating decisions.

Now let's talk more about enjoyment. Yes, you CAN enjoy your favorite foods. But enjoy them by savoring them, not devouring them.

Chew your food slowly.

That might not seem it, but that is a BIG TIME tip.

Enjoy your favorites by taking your time eating them. That may mean finding a quiet space to eat when at a loud party. But it will be worth the little bit of extra effort.

And it's going to take about 20 minutes for your stomach to signal your brain that you are full. So take your time. Enjoy every bite with zero guilt.

Again, this might seem too simple, but it's not. It really can be this easy if you stay focused on your plan.

Your Fit Coach,

PS - Again, Prograde Nutrition's HUGE Holiday Savings ends TONIGHT. As a Prograde Partner I really cannot recommend their products enough.

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.
Holiday Calorie Control Tip #2

Yesterday we discussed how crucial it is for you to have a PLAN to control your calorie intake during the holidays. Today's tip is even more simple and expands on the premise.
Plan on staying away from the booze…..

Look, a drink or two isn't going to be the end of the world. But when two turns to three...

I'm not getting on my soap box here. I'm just telling you something you already know:
Booze leads to bad decisions.

And in this case, we're talking about bad eating decisions.

When alcohol enters the equation even the best laid plans crumble. The extra calorie’s from the cocktails is one thing. But really it's the extra calories you chew that start to add up.

One piece of cake turns to two...

A handful of chips turns into a bag...

The dip sitting in front of you mysteriously vanishes...into your belly...

You get the picture. ;-)

Have fun. Enjoy yourself. Just be conscious of what alcohol does to your decision making.

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach

P.S. - Rememeber, Prograde Nutrition's HUGE Holiday Savings ends TONIGHT night. You definitely want to get over to right NOW and place you order to save 15% on all their killer products. It's my duty as a proud Prograde Partner to remind you ;-)

P.P.S. Don't forget to visit Get ahead of the pack and sign up now!!! Space is becoming increasingly limited.

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Holiday Calorie Control Tip #1

Holiday Calorie Control Tip #1

I know you know this.

You know you know this.

Fail to plan, plan to fail.

You can't just HOPE you're going to behave yourself at holiday parties. You can't just do the same old things you've been doing. You can't just miss breakfast, have a light lunch and then go to a party filled with temptation and not go a little insane on the cheese platter ;-)

You have to plan your meals.

You have to plan your workouts.

You have to set your goals in stone.

You don't want to be the person that comes out of the holidays 5 to 10 pounds heavier, do you?

If you don't plan your strategy from preventing it, well, you can PLAN on getting some new clothes that fit your new size. This is far from doom and gloom. You can still enjoy your favorite foods at parties. You can still have a great time. But what you can't do is just free-for-all it and stuff your face with everything put in front of you. You know that.

Tell you what: Plan on taking a nice 30 minute walk this weekend and do some solid thinking about what your plan will be, and when you get back home, put it on paper and commit to it.
And think about how great you'll feel about yourself when January comes after you've followed your plan. Oh, and be sure to reward yourself to by doing something special for yourself.

Always treat yourself when you know you’ve been good all week!

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach,

PS - As a proud Prograde Nutrition partner I have to remind you Prograde is having a heck of a Holiday Blow Out on ALL of their awesome products. Everything you need, including the coupon code to save 15% on all Prograde Nutrition products is right here:

Hurry because this deal expires this Friday, December 11th at 11:59pm EST.

P.S. - Don't forget to jump in and secure your spot for January's ML Athletics Billerica or Danvers Bootcamps. Free Trial last week of January Visit:

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

3 Fruits and Veggies Tips (Important)

It's recommended that we eat 6-10 fruits and vegetables a day. Here in the States it is reported the actual average of fruits and veggies eaten each day is just 2.

Yup, just 2, Now, I don't know where you stand on this, but overall, it really is a sad state of nutritional affairs.

But do not despair! It's not that tough to get more fruits and veggies in each day.

Here are some super simple tips to get you started:

1) Buy 'em pre-chopped

Look, I can be lazy, too ;-) There's nothing wrong with not wanting to go through the hassle of having to chop up fruits and veggies. If you want to buy them pre-chopped go ahead. It's much better for you than not eating them.

2) Carry 'em with you

Load up a plastic baggie with your pre-chopped veggies and bring them to work. Seriously, see how easy this can be!

3) Add real fruit to your yogurt

Have some yogurt for breakfast and add some fresh blueberries, raspberries or blackberries.

It's that simple!

Until Next Time!

Your Fit Coach

P.S. The end of the year is almost here! Soon you will have to make your New Years Resolution and most people promise to get back into shape. Did you know that 90% of people do not stay committed to goals when made as a New Years Resolution.

Don't wait until then start now and get in before the rush. You'll be that far ahead of everyone else and not to mention closer to a beach ready body!!! Hey it's New England and before you know it the snow will be gone but those love handles won't be.

Start NOW!!! Visit to see how other's have been benefiting from this program!

Here are your Location, Days, and Times for the ML Athletics Bootcamp Programs:

Danvers YMCA
Danvers Boot Camp Days and Times are as follows:
Morning Danvers YMCA Indoor Boot Camp
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings at 6am – 7am

Danvers Calvary Episcopal Church
Tuesday & Thursday Evening 7:15pm-8:15pm

Billerica Bootcamp located at:
27 Cook Street at Flip City Gymnastics
Billerica Boot Camp Days and Times are as follows:
Tuesday & Thursday Mornings at 6-7am
Tuesday & Thursday Evenings at 7:15-8:15pm

Visit to register for our upcoming session!

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Protein and Fat Loss

Protein and Fat Loss

It takes about 25-27 calories to digest and utilize about 100 calories of protein, this means that your net consumption of calories is about 75 calories.

This is called the Thermic Effect of Food.

If you eat protein at every meal then you are forcing your body to work more and burn more calories basically burning fat!

Carbs take about 4-5 calories to digest and utilize about 100 calories of Carbs.

Don’t know what type of protein you need to use,

Well here is a list of some of the common proteins that you can add to your day:

Lean Meat
Eggs, egg whites
Fish, Salmon, haddock

Protein Shakes: Some great shakes are listed here and I know most of my campers are really starting to utilize the benefits of what a protein shake can do for you.

Check out these sites for your protein sources if you’re looking for more protein for every dollar spent. and Supplements101 remember stick with the whey protein isolates for more protein absorption.

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sugar Your Weight Loss Enemy

Sugar Your Weight Loss Enemy

Do you ever say to yourself I am doing everything possible to lose weight but I am not losing a pound? I can’t understand why I am eating right, drinking enough water, working out 4-5 days a week, why am I not losing anything.

Well the problem might be something that you overlook and for most that’s exactly what’s happening.

Have you taken a look at your sugar intake?

Did you know that only 10% of your calorie intake should come from sugar? At least that’s what the experts say. Did you know that alone sugar has absolutely no nutritional value at all.

Then why is it found in so many of the foods we eat? The answer is simple, Taste.

That’s it! It’s all about the taste of a food.

Here’s a statement you might not like, you don’t need any sugar in your daily calorie intake.

So what about your sugar in your coffee? Well I have listed below some of the things you can do in your day to avoid eating sugar and adding those extra empty calories that could be preventing you from losing those pounds.

But first let me list just a few of the things that sugar can do to upset the body:

• Sugar can contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, and concentration difficulties.
• Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity.
• Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection.
• Sugar can cause tooth decay, acidic stomach, speed up the aging process, causing wrinkles, and gray hair.

Sugar is at fault for all of the above and so much more but the list us too long to put here.

So how do you reduce your sugar intake?

• Learn to enjoy foods that are naturally sweet.
• When cooking and reading a recipe use less than what is recommended.
• Use spices and herbs that are natural.
• Use Stevia or Sweet Leaf.
• Buy fresh fruits or fruits packed in water instead of syrup.
• Pay close attention to food labels looking at the ingredients, most sugars will be listed as the following, brown sugar, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, palm sugar, corn syrup, maltose, lactose.

Are you getting the picture? Sugar sugar sugar sugar, not good for you and it isn’t needed in your diet. So eat the naturally sweet foods to get your fix for that sweet tooth.

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Turkey Day Protein Pancakes & Abs and Butt Bodyweight Workout from ML AThletics Boot Camp

Delicious Protein Pancakes Recipe

It's been a great year here at ML Athletics. And I'm very grateful for you being a part of that success. This week being Thanksgiving I want to make sure I'm showing you how grateful I am.
But before I do... Let's get serious for a moment. You're going to eat a LOT of food this Thursday. You know it. I know it. And that's ok. I'm sure you've been working out just a little bit harder to prepare for it, right? ;-)

And I know you're going to get a good workout in on Thursday before you chow down, right?

Now, besides that, I also want to remind you one thing you do NOT want to do on Thursday is skip meals so you can stuff yourself with one big one. That's a no-no.

You still need to start your day right by boosting your metabolism with a solid breakfast. So here's a delicious Protein Pancakes recipe.

Thanks to the protein in the recipe your blood sugar won't go crazy like it can just by eating a huge stack of pancakes with sugary syrup. Nope, this recipe will fill you up, nourish your body and give your metabolism just the boost it needs.

You can get the Protein Pancakes recipe at

Be sure to let me know how you like it. I have tried it and it's pretty good

Now your Turkey Day Home Body Weight Workout to burn those extra calories before you chow down.....

Turkey Day Abs and Butt Bodyweight Workout

Make sure to keep your abs tight on each and every exercise below creating a strong mid-section.
Rotate your hips back and sit back into the pretend chair. Stand feet shoulder width apart toes pointing forward. Sit down until you are at a 90 degree angle.

Start and End
Stationary Lunge Each Leg
Stand with 1 foot in front of the other making sure you have a good separation between both feet. If you front knee is over your toes you need more separation. Start in the up position and slowly bring your back knee dipping down toward the ground while keeping your back foot and heal straight.

Side View Front View

Jump Squats
Make sure to keep your abs tight and knees back. Rotate your hips back and sit back into the pretend chair. Stand feet shoulder width apart toes pointing forward. Sit down until you are at a 90 degree angle and then jump up and brace yourself for impact while folding yourself down into another squat. Do not land on your knees as you do not want to injure yourself.

Start End

Frog Squats
Make sure to keep your abs tight and knees back. Rotate your hips back and sit back into the pretend chair. Stand feet shoulder width apart toes pointing forward. Sit down until you are at a 90 degree angle. This is just like a regular squat with one important difference, do not go all the way up. Front the sitting position only come up with your butt about 6-10 inches while keeping your butt flexed. Keep your arms on your thighs.

Start End
Crunch to Double Leg Press Outs
Start in a normal crunch position and bring your legs up to a sitting position. Keep the abs tight and start to extend your feet and legs out all the way as pictured in the last photo. Repeat.

Start Mid End
Leg Raises
Start in a complete spread position as pictured in the first photo and hold your legs a few inches above the ground. Bring your legs all the way up while keeping tension on your mid-section and slowly lower your legs to the ground and tap those deals softly and raise back up again. Make sure to keep your legs as straight as possible the whole way up and down.

Start End
Jack Knife
This is just like the leg raise exercise but you are going to bring both your hands and feet together and then back down. Remember to do this slowly and controlled for an incredible burn.

Start End
Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach
PS - Seriously, have a nutritious breakfast this Thursday and your body will thank your for it on Friday. ;-)
Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Monday, November 23, 2009

ML Athletics Bootcamp Body Transformation Tips

So the Holidays are officially upon us and well it is now more important than ever that we focus on our fitness goals. Did you know that we will gain an average of 4-8lbs a year if we sit around and do nothing.

Did you know that most of that weight is put on during the holiday's

I am officially a bit over 30 days into my 90 day transformation and I have had to re-evaluate my goals and how I will get to where I want to be in the next 60 days.

Here are some of the things that I am doing to speed up the process a bit and make sure that the Holiday's don't affect my weight loss goals.

Body Transformation Tips:

1. 45 minutes of cardio in the morning 5 days a week

2. 4 - 5 work outs per week focusing on strength training to reshape my body.

3. 6-8 meals per day with a higher ratio of protein to carbs to burn more calories

4. Use a nutrition log to record what you are eating everyday, this helps to stay away from the junk you don't need

5. 2 gallons of water per day to flush out my body of what it doesn't need. This is my intake amount

6. Every chance I get I am outside, riding my bike with my son or taking him to the park and running around.

Everything I now do is with my goal in mind.

Sacrafice is part of this process and you must be mentally ready to get there!

Keep an eye on this blog over the next couple of days as I will have workouts that you can do from the comfort of your home with no weight and help you burn some extra calories.

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach


P.S. If you are not part of the ML AThletics Bootcamp Program but want to get ahead on your beach body goals then keep an eye out this Friday as I will be having my biggest sale offer yet..... 1 Day only so keep an eye out......

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Friday, November 13, 2009

1 Weird Belly Flab Buster

1 Weird Belly Flab Buster

Ok, I don't mean to get too scientific, but this is super important. You see, while busting the belly flab does take effort, it's not nearly as hard as people make it out to be.

Seriously, the most important part of the process is arming yourself with the CORRECT knowledge. If you know how your body works...why it stores belly flab...what actually causes it to burn're a whole lot better off.

Now, I know there are a ton of so-called experts out there that are confusing the heck out of you. I know a lot of people tell you different things. It can be as frustrating as all get out. But if you follow these simple rules and burn them into your brain things will be a lot different.

Anyway, let's get to today's easy lesson. Check this out:
  • Increased Protein intake triggers the hormone Glucagon.
  • This, in turn, prevents the spiking of your Insulin (which is also a hormone) levels.
  • Which simply means you minimize the chance of storing blood sugar as fat.
In other words, eat more protein and you bust the belly flab. Sure, there's more to it than that, but that is the crux of it. And so long as you understand the basics you can KEEP the belly flab from coming back.

When you only eat carbs your Insulin levels go through the roof. And all that blood sugar (that's what the carbs turn into after you've eaten them) which isn't needed by your body MUST go somewhere. Yup, it goes to your belly; or your butt; or your hips; or your thighs...

The best part is, it's not very hard to consume more protein. In fact, it's pretty darn easy. A high quality protein powder will do just the trick.

Check out my last blog post about which protein’s are best and which do what:

Here are 2 links to sites where I get my protein shakes from, I choose to purchase most of my supplements online as you get more for your money, and several more choices when it comes to flavor and personal preference.


Prograde Nutrition

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

ML Athletics Bootcamp Shares 2 Little Known Fat Burning Facts

2 Little Known Fat Burning Facts

Carbs, carbs, carbs. That's what everyone seems to want to talk about. How do I avoid carbs?
Well, what you should be talking about instead is, "How do I get more lean Protein into my eating plan?"

Now THAT is the right question.

You see, Protein is where it's at. Check out these two little known facts about protein:

1) Protein requires more calories to digest than carbs or fat. This is called the "thermic effect of food." In other words, your body uses more calories to digest protein than other nutrients.
Pretty sneaky, huh?

2) Protein provides satiety. That's a fancy way of saying you feel fuller for longer when you eat protein.

Good sources of Lean Protein come from foods such as:

Fish, eggs, poultry, lean beef...

But some people have trouble eating enough protein each day. Some people would like it to be more convenient for them.

Over the last couple of days since my last blog post 3 Tips to Using Protein Shakes I was asked what brands are good when it comes to protein shakes.

Well truthfully there are a million different kinds of protein on the market and making a decision about which one is the best is somewhat difficult with so many to choose from.

Different proteins have different benefits:

Casein Protein - Slow digesting protein powders.

Egg Protein - Proteins that contain 100% egg protein.

Low Carb Protein - Proteins with under 10g of carbs per serving.

Milk Protein Isolate - Proteins that contain 100% milk protein concentrate.

Night-Time Protein - Formulated to be consumed just before sleep with slow-release / absorption being emphasized.

Soy Protein - Healthy protein source.

Whey Protein Blends - A blend of both Whey Protein Concentrate and Whey Protein Isolate.

Whey Protein Concentrate - Concentrates typically contain 75 to 80% protein and are less expensive than Isolates.

Whey Protein Isolate - Isolates supply the highest percentage of protein (typically 90% or greater) and are filtered to remove nearly

My opinion is to stick with the proteins that offer the highest percentage of protein which is Whey Protein Isolate and here is one that I have used that is pretty good mixed up:

I use some of the different proteins mentioned above throughout the day, here is where I get my proteins as buying them in a store can be a bit more pricy I take my time to shop online where you get a better bargain and more protein for the money spent. That’s always a good thing!

Here is a link to some of the proteins I use: Supplements101 as an online store to purchase my proteins and some of my other supplements I use. Whey Gold Standard by Optimum Nutrition is a protein product that I have used from their site.

I have also used Prograde Nutrition’s Protein as well: Prograde Protein

The choice is yours when it comes to taste as there are different flavors to choose from, but remember one thing, you get what you pay for. So just because something is cheap doesn’t mean it’s the best and has the highest quality. Your body is worth it!

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Monday, November 9, 2009

3 Tips to Using Protein Shakes

3 Tips to Using Protein Shakes

Here is a question I got last week regarding when, how, with what to use protein shakes.

I went out and bought the whey protein mix today. I was wondering a couple things:

1. When is the best time for me to be having this in order to get the most out of it?

2. It says to mix one scoop with 8 oz of water, that doesn't seem like much is that enough or should I be doubling it?

3. I find that I am usually crashing at 3:30 in the afternoon when I slow down, should I be having a second one at that time?

Here are your answers.

1. Best times to use the shakes to get the most out of them is Before and After your workouts and I prefer to have one as soon as I wake up as it's easy and it gets your blood sugar to rise quickly which is what you need after many hours of fasting.

2. The 8oz of water is up to you, it's all about consistency if you like it a bit thicker or a bit more watered down that is up to you. Try different amounts to see what you like better.

3. I would recommend a shake in the afternoon if you are crashing but that is usually due to a lack of sugar and I mean good sugar so have a shake with say a piece of fruit or a cup of mixed fruit.

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach

P.S. Danvers Bootcamp evening class held at the Calvary Episcopal Church just about maxed out, space available for 2 more people and then we are closing it off. First 2 to fill out the form on the site get first dibs.

We still have some spots available for the Morning Danvers YMCA Bootcamp and Billerica Bootcamps. Get in now before they fill up.

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Muscle Gain and Body Fat Loss

Muscle Gain and Body Fat Loss

A lot of people really don’t associate the two together. The question that I get a lot though is can I do both at the same time. The answer is…..well I am not going to totally answer it just yet.

You see depending on who you talked to your going to get different answers. Some say yes it’s possible, other’s say no it’s not possible. WHY?

Well I need to first break this question down.

Fat loss = Fewer calories taken in/more calories burned/higher interval cardio output.

Muscle Gain = More calories taken in/less calories burned/less interval cardio output.

Now those above are on opposite ends of the scale. So how can you burn fat and build muscle, the answer is simply by combining the two training styles into your weekly routine and adjusting your calorie intake for the given day based on what you are doing that day.

Now I think that the reason that this question has many different answers is simple: Most people when thinking about gaining muscle revert back to the old school thought process of guys putting on muscle and size for sports or just to look super big.

When thought about fat loss the old school thought process is to do more cardio, running, treadmill, boring at least for me…. And to take in less calories

Well, these days, people want slim sexy arms, combined with a trim stomach and lean thighs. Basically they want both!

If you want to do one more than the other then yes you will have to pick which side you want to be on, and adjust your calorie intake for that and expect that you will either gain more muscle or burn more fat the choice is yours and nutrition has everything to do with that choice.

Ladies this statement is especially for you: You want to have muscle on your body, since muscle burns more calories while not active. On average and this is just an average and does differ from person to person depending on a lot of factor’s but that’s a subject for a different post.

1 LB of muscle burns an average of 50 calories meaning that this will help you reach your fat loss goals that much quicker. So next time you see men lifting weight don’t be scared, give it a shot and start building some muscle to help in your quest for fat loss.

So is it possible to do both at the same time? Yes….You can build muscle while losing fat. Just like you can build muscle without gaining weight. Or gain weight without gaining fat.

You can lose fat, gain muscle but not see a reduction in weight. WHY? Your body reshapes itself and that’s where it’s important to take measurements every 3 months or so.

It all depends on your calorie intake. Leave all the other old school thought process of doing one more than the other to the bodybuilders as they are the ones that go through those cycles more than the person who is just looking to get healthy and get back into shape.

Concern yourself with eating healthy, doing a variety of training and you will have both!

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach



Check out my workout from yesterday with legs, lots of circuits with the same exercises. My legs are beat today!

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

ML Athletics Transformation End of Week #2

So I’m into the tail end of my second week and it’s taken about 2 weeks to get things together with my workouts and diet and I feel that I can now start to push my body to the next level.

I attached the video from my workout today with a bit more intensity than I had from my previous couple of transformation videos. Your body takes about 2-4 weeks to adjust to a new routine and you have to take into account your lifestyle as well and how quickly you can get things together.

You will see that I am using a heavier weight combined with cardio interval training using a tri-set/superset combo.

What does that mean? A tri-set is 3 exercises back to back for 3 different body parts. A superset is a combo of two or more exercises for the same body part.

Here is my workout broken down for 11/3/09

1. Dumbbell Chest Press X as many as I can do
2. Dumbbell Chest Fly X as many as I can do
3. Dumbbell Shoulder Press X as many as I can do
4. Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise X as many as I can do
5. One Arm Dumbbell Row X as many as I can do
6. Double Arm Dumbbell Back Fly X as many as I can do

Transformation video from end of week #2

Until Next Time

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

90 Day Body Transformation Workout #2

ML Athletics Bootcamp Instructor Transformation Workout #2

Hey All,

The video above is from Saturday's workout. I was working out on my shoulders, bi's and abs. I'm nursing a sore elbow so you will notice that I am using a controlled motion and alot of focus on the muscle.

There are many ways to workout and when you are nursing an injury stay slow and controlled and focus on the muscle taking the hurt area out of the equation.

Stay tuned for your the next video!

Your Fit Coach

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

90 Day Body Transformation Workout 1

ML Athletics Boot Camp Instructor 90 Day Body Transformation

So here it is my 90 Day Body Transformation. When I was working a regular job which is the normal 9-5 but we all know that it’s really much more than that, I was able to really focus on myself since my days were very much routine, with breaks, lunches, a few minutes here and there for myself.

Well about 6 months ago my personal life and work life was completely rearranged and I went from working for someone to working for myself. My days are actually longer and the chaos has made it challenging to focus on myself. My days are very much normal in a certain sense, kids, house projects, long work hours, chaos. I am still eating well (should be better), working out (not as intense).

The last 6 months have been crazy and well the important thing is to get back on track as quickly as possible. It’s ok if you let yourself go but how quickly are you going to get yourself back on track.

So here is what I am doing, I am going to chronicle my 90 day transformation for you step by step, with workouts that I am doing, the types of foods I will be eating, nutrition tips and fitness tips to help you along in your own transformation.

You will get to see my transformation and how I get back into shape day by day. To stay connected and watch me go through my transformation you can follow me on for up to the minute info about what I am doing, or friend me on facebook to get first look at my workouts as they get uploaded

We all get busy and the first thing to go is our workouts and taking care of ourselves. I am making my commitment to myself and to everyone out there. I have just put myself out there and made it so I can’t fail meaning I am now accountable to you!

Check out my first video in the series:

ML Athletics Boot Camp Instructor 90 Day Body Transformation Video 1

Until Next Workout


Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

5 Tips on Eating for a Busy Life Style

5 Tips on Eating for a Busy Life Style

I think the majority of us have a very active and busy lifestyle running from place to place, work, kids, gym, shopping, the list goes on and on. It makes it almost impossible to eat healthy and have a nutrition plan in place so that you reach your fitness goals.

I will be the first one to say that it isn’t easy eating right when you’re on the go but it can be made easier if you follow these simple tips below.

1. Prepare your foods for at least 2-3 days out: Cooked brown rice will last up to 3 days tops, Cut up green and red peppers will last a couple of days or more, you can even boil eggs for a couple of days out and it makes them easier to eat on the go.

2. Pre-Plan you’re day the night before: Pack a cooler, and believe me if you’re days are long, the ice packs will keep your food fresh. I stress this one since if nothing is ready for you in the morning you are less likely to take time that morning to prepare. Take just 20-30 minutes the night before to plan your meals and snacks for the next day. If you have everything you need in one spot you are less likely to find yourself at your local burger joint down the road.

3. Bring a water bottle with you everywhere you go: Water is the key to everything we do. It carries nutrients into your blood stream and feeds your muscles. It helps us not retain water and one important note. Next time you feel extremely hungry ask yourself how much water have you had and I bet not enough. We often feel hunger when all we need is more water.

4. Snacks: Having snacks packed such as veggies , or nuts, or fruits already prepared in zip lock bags makes sure that you have something easy to grab when you’re out and about.

5. Eat every 3 hours: Eating every 3 hours ensures that you stay energized throughout the day while revving up your metabolism to help burn more calories.

Here is my meal plan that I use when I know I will be running around that day.

1. 5am Protein Shake with a Banana or instead of the banana I use a simple sugar mix from Power bar.

2. 7am Protein Bar

3. 9am Breakfast 6 boiled eggs with a low sugar oatmeal bar

4. 11am ¼ cup of trail mix

5. 1:30 or 2pm ½ cup of cottage cheese and a cup of diced up fruits.

6. 4:30pm Protein Shake

7. 6:30pm Dinner This one is usually at home for me and includes about 6oz of a meat and about a ½ cup of brown rice and lots of veggies. If you’re not home yet at this point a cup of cut up veggies to keep you going and you can just reach into that bag and pull them out. Easy to eat!

8. 8:30pm ½ cup of cottage cheese and a ¼ cup of cashews

Remember to adjust for workout days and non workout days and include those pre/post workout meals into your days if you are working out. Check out those pre/post meal choices here:

Now remember this is my meal plan and is not for everyone but it gives you an idea of how to plan your day. I am a creature of habit and it might seem boring but it does make it easier to stay on track.

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach


P.S. There are still a few open spots for our bootcamps:

Danvers Bootcamp Morning 6am Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Located at the Danvers YMCA

Danvers Bootcamp Evening 7:15pm Tuesday and Thursday: Located at the Danvers Calvary Episcopal Church

Billerica Bootcamp Morning 6am Tuesday and Thursday: Located at Flip City Gymnastics

Billerica Bootcamp Evening 7:15pm Tuesday and Thursday: Located at Flip City Gymnastics

Visit for more info and to register!

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Billerica Bootcamp at Flip City Gymnastics

This Is It, Cut The Fat, Butt Firming, Body Toning, Indoor Bootcamp In Danvers and Billerica You've Been Looking For

You're Going To Get 1 Free WeekTo Test It Out For Yourself!

This is our newest location in Billerica at Flip City Gymnastics on Cook Street!

Check out our site at for more info and to register!

Billerica Bootcamp

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Danvers Bootcamp Pre/Post Workout Meal Choices

Danvers Bootcamp Pre/Post Workout Meal Choices

Alrighty, so after my last post on how important it is to have a pre/post workout meal and the reasons why, I received a lot of emails asking what are good meals to have before and after their workouts.

I put together a list of good choices of pre/post workout meals. Remember there is a difference in what you eat before and after your workouts.

I'd suggest the bulk of the calories in the pre-workout meal come from carbohydrates. Because your body depends on glycogen stores to fuel your workout, you'll need something to fill those stores. As you'll be leaving some time before you workout, choose some low-GI carbohydrates to ensure a steady release of energy and avoid a crash before you’re workout .

Why Low GI Carbs? A low GI diet is based on foods with a lower ranking according to the glycemic index. The glycemic index (GI) is a system for rating carbs, according to how fast they raise our blood sugar levels. The higher the GI a food, the faster the rise in our blood glucose.

The glycemic index separates foods into three categories:
  • High Glycemic Index Foods (GI 70+), cause a rapid rise in blood-glucose levels.
  • Intermediate Glycemic Index Foods (GI 55-69) causing a medium rise in blood-glucose.
  • Low Glycemic Index Foods (GI 54 or less), causing a slower rise in blood-sugar.

I listed below some of the lower GI foods:

Glycemic Index of Fruit:

Apple 38

Cherries 22

Grapefruit 25

Grapes 46

Kiwi 52

Orange 44

Pear 38

Plum 39

Glycemic Index of Vegetables:

Broccoli 10

Cabbage 10

Carrots 49

Green Peas 48

Lettuce 10

Mushrooms 10

Onions 10

Red Peppers 10

Sweet Potato 54

Good combo’s of fats are good to add to this meal as well if you choose such as cashews, almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, low or no salt peanuts as this will keep amino acids in your blood throughout and after your workout.

Fats contain 9 calories per gram of fat and that makes them a great source of high sustaining energy for a workout!

Check out the GI on the following Fats:

Glycemic Index of Nuts:

Cashews 22

Peanuts 14

Walnuts 15

I was asked the question is there a difference between peanuts and the rest and yes there is. It comes down to the way they are processed. Peanuts are usually processed with a high amount of salt and those are the ones you want to stay away from. That is really the only difference worth mentioning but I prefer to go with the other choices of nuts rather than peanuts.

You'll also want to include protein in your pre-workout meal. Why? Because protein contains amino acids, the building blocks of muscle.

Choose a slow-digesting protein, such as meats, cottage cheese, Yogurt the high protein kind such as Chobani, protein shakes such as a slow burning casein.

So basically, you want a combo of the above to create a great pre-workout formula for sustaining an intense workout!

Your post workout meal should be just as important as this is where you are going to give back to your body everything that was just depleted.

For Post-workout you can use the combo of the Protein sources above, as well as, fish, chicken, lean meat that is 93% lean.

For your Carbohydrate source: choose a simple sugar that will replenish your vitamin and mineral stores. After an intense workout you will have depleted all of your energy stores. This is such an important meal to make sure your body doesn’t start to eat away at your amino acids in your muscles.

Apples, Blackberries, Cherry, Cranberries, I think you get where your simple sugars come from. A lot of fruits have what you need to get that body replenished.

Stay away from the sugars that are known as table sugars:

Candy, chocolate, muffins, oh I think you get the idea. Stay clear of these as all they will do is spike your insulin and this will just cause you to store fat and not release it for energy….

I hope this answers those questions that came in and I want to thank you for asking them. If you have any questions on this post you know what to do…. Comment below and I’ll answer them as they come in.

Until Next Time
Your Fit Coach,

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ML Athletics Bootcamp Pre/Post Workout Meal Importance

ML Athletics Bootcamp Pre/Post Workout Meal Importance

Ok, here it is, everyone tells you to eat 5-6 times per day. Easy, Right? Well maybe, but you’ll have to adjust for what you have going on that day.

- Are you working out?
- Do you have a busy day of running around ahead of you?
- Are you planning on taking the day off from work and curling up under the blankets?

You really have to think about what you are doing so you can make sure you are not taking in more than you need in calories per day. You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.

Once you figure this out and pre-plan your meals around that, you will start to get results.

The focus of this post though is the very first bullet point above.

- Are you working out that day?

If you are working out then you better fuel up for your pre-workout and your post-workout meals. Going into a workout you want to make sure you have the proper nutrition so that you can last a good 45-60 minutes.

There are important reasons as to why you want to fuel up for a workout and refuel after a workout.

You want to fuel up before your workout so that your body is not pulling energy from your muscle protein stores. Breaking down your muscles for energy will not help you burn more calories.

If you fuel up your body will use a combination of the carbohydrates from the food you eat and pull energy from your fat stores which means you burn calories efficiently = fat loss.
How long before a workout should you eat?

Roughly about 60-90 minutes before so that you’re not keeling over and well getting sick….

Why Re-fuel after a workout? Two reasons:

Your energy levels are depleted and have to be replenished.

A proper meal about 30-45 minutes after a workout will help you recover and heal quicker. Your muscle tissue needs to be repaired for muscle growth. Ultimately this is an important one since muscle burns more calories than fat does, but that’s a topic for another post…..

So make sure you are getting what you need for your pre and post workout meals. This will make all the difference in how much fat you burn and ultimately how fast you want to reach your goals!

Until Next Time

Your Fit Coach,


Don't forget that the Danvers Bootcamp Evening Location was moved and we have 5 more spots left. The Danvers Bootcamp Evening Class is now located at the Calvary Episcopal Church on the corner of Cherry and Holten right across from the Danvers Town Hall.

We now offer 2 Locations:

Danvers Bootcamp located at the Danvers YMCA and Calvary Episcopal Church

Billerica Bootcamp at Flip City Gymnastics on Cook Street

Check out for more class times and locations.

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Friday, October 2, 2009

ML Athletics Danvers & Billerica Bootcamp Referral Winners!!!

ML Athletics Danvers & Billerica Bootcamp Referral Winners!!!

Before we get to the Winner's I want to mention that over the next couple of weeks those that started about 3 months or so ago will be getting a re-assesment done.

Our first bootcamp re-assessment was FANTASTIC with 4.25 inches lost from all over.

This is why inches rule over the scale! Congrats to Denise in Danvers!!!!!

Also Congrats to Jenn in Danvers, She is one on my PT clients!!!
She lost a total of 10lbs and 5.5 inches!!!!!

Help me Congratulate both of them!!!! Just comment at the bottom of the page and help me say AWESOME JOB!!!

Pics will be up on the site in the next week!!!

Now onto the Referral winners this month

Remember refer 1 person that signs up and get the next month half off!

Refer 2 people that sign up and get the next month for FREE!!!

Congrats to the following people!!!

Christine A Billerica Has 2 for the month of October!!!

Christine C Danvers Had 3 for the month of September!!!

Janice R Billerica has 2 for the month of October!!!

Dina P Danvers had one for September!!!

I want to thank you for trusting me in referring your freinds.

Have a great weekend!!!


P.S. Don't forget that our evening class in Danvers will move locations next Tuesday night. The all indoor bootcamp in Danvers will be located at the Calvary Episopal Church on the corner of Cherry and Holten Street, across from the Danvers Town Hall.

Days Tuesday and Thursday

Times 7:15-8:15pm

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

5 Nutrition Tips to Help You Lose Weight

Hey Everyone,

I have some new updates regarding the Danvers Boot Camp Location for the evening class.

We are moving indoors starting the week of October 5th. The location for the indoor boot camp for the evening class will be at the Calvary Episcopal Church.



ML Athletics believes that these boot camps are not for everyone and believes that you should test drive your fitness program just as you do a purchase for a new car. But we guarantee that when you’re done test driving you won't want to walk away!

Danvers Boot Camp Date and Time are as follows:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings at 6am – 7am Danvers YMCA Indoor Boot Camp

Tuesday & Thursday Evening 7:15pm-8:15pm Danvers Calvary Episcopal Church

Second location is now starting in Billerica located at:

27 Cook Street at Flip City Gymnastics

Billerica Boot Camp Date and Times are as follows:

Tuesday & Thursday Mornings at 6-7am Begins Week of 10/5

Tuesday & Thursday Evenings at 7:15-8:15pm Begins 9/29

These boot camps are designed for all fitness levels. To register or for more info go to

Now on to your 5 Nutrition TIPS for the week!

1. Write down what you eat every day for the next 30 days. The only way you know what type of changes to make is to find out what you have to change.

2. Take the time out to prepare your meals for the next 2-3 days out. Cook foods that stay good for that amount of time.

- Mix up some Tuna
- Hard Boil eggs for the next couple of days
- Steam Veggies
- Cook Chicken or Lean Meat.
I think you get the idea. If it’s already made then you can easily take what you need from it.

3. Stay away from these foods:

- White Breads
- Potatoes
- Foods High In Sodium
- Vending Machine Snacks, yes they are easy but not good for you.

4. Include plenty of protein into your day.
- Protein builds muscle and the more muscle we have the more calories we burn.

5. Include Plenty of Fruits and Veggies into your day = Water Soluble Foods

- These foods are filled with water and the more of this you can have the fuller you will feel throughout the day and the less you will crave salty or sugary foods.

Stick with it for 30 days and these will become routine for you.

Until Next Time


Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Danvers Bootcamp Full Body Workout

MLAthletics Danvers/Billerica Bootcamp Workout

This is one of the workouts that we put together for our Danvers bootcamp when we started them about a year ago. We decided to roll it out to you so that you can give it a go and get an incredible workout in just 45 minutes.

You always want to start with 1 or 2 exercises to warm up exercises to get the blood flowing followed by the workout.

Warm up

Jumping Jacks for 2 minutes

Jumping Jacks

• Stand on the balls of your feet with your feet shoulder width-apart and arms by side.
• Jump your feet out to your sides and raise your hands overhead at the same time.
Now that you’re warmed up we can start the workout

Workout 1

Start with Squats

Bodyweight (BW) Squat

• Stand with your feet just greater than shoulder-width apart.
• Start the movement at the hip joint. Push your hips backward and “sit back into a chair”. Make your hips go back as far as possible.
• Squat as deep as possible, but keep your low back tensed in a neutral position.
• Don’t let your lower back become rounded.
• Push with your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps to return to the start position.


Forward Lunge/Walking Lunge

• Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding dumbbells at arm’s length.
• Step forward with one leg, taking a slightly larger than normal step.
• Keep your back toe on the ground and use it to help keep your balance. The back knee should also be bent.
• Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground.
• Keep your upper body upright and your lower back flat.
• For the forward lunge, drive off the front leg to return to the standing position.
• Fore the walking lunge, walk forward for all repetitions, alternating sides. Pull with lead leg to return to standing position, one step ahead of where you started.

High Knees

Run in Place/High Knees

• Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
• Run in place driving your knees up as high as possible.
• Your other arm will naturally swing forward. Keep a bend in the elbow.
• Run in place at an interval pace.

Side to Side Squat Jumps

Side to Side Jumps

• Stand with your knees bent, abs braced, and hips back.
• Jump laterally and land with your knees bent and hips back to absorb the landing forces in your muscles.
• Repeat to the other side with as little rest as possible between jumps.
• Always land with your knees bent.

Repeat this Circuit 1 more time. The combination of both Legs and Interval Cardio Training will be extremely effective at burning calories.

Low Plank to High Plank Push up


• Start in the top of the pushup position.
• Drop one forearm down and then the other.
• Raise your body in a straight line and rest your bodyweight on your elbows and toes so that your body hovers over the mat.
• Keep your back straight and your hips up. Hold (brace) your abs tight. Contract them as if someone was about to punch you in the stomach, but breath normally.
• Slowly shift your body into the top of the pushup position. That’s one rep.

Push Up


• Keep the abs braced and body in a straight line from toes/knees to shoulders.
• Place the hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
• Slowly lower yourself down until you are an inch off the ground.
• Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position.
• Keep your body in a straight line at all times.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jacks

• Stand on the balls of your feet with your feet shoulder width-apart and arms by side.
• Jump your feet out to your sides and raise your hands overhead at the same time.

Side Plank

Side Plank

• Raise your body in a straight line so that your body hovers over the mat.
• Keep your back straight and your hips up. Hold your abs tight. Contract them as if someone was about to punch you in the stomach, but breath normally.

Pike Press

Pike Pushup or Shoulder-Press Pushup

• Place your hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width.
• Pike your hips up in the air as much as possible, so you are as vertical as can be.
• Slowly lower your head to the floor.
• Pause, and push with your shoulders and triceps back to the start position.

Repeat this Circuit 1 more time. The combination of both Upper Body and Interval Cardio Training will be extremely effective at burning calories.

Have a great weekend!!! Keep Burning those Calories!!!

There is still room for the next October sessions of bootcamp in Both Danvers and Billerica.

Just go to to sign up

Your Fit Coach

Limits of LiabilityAll information and tools in this blog are intended as an aid to help healthy adults lose weight and not intended as medical advice. The information presented here is not for pregnant or breast-feeding women or for any person under the age of 18. If you suffer or think you may suffer from any medical condition you should consult your doctor before starting any weight loss exercise regime. Any weight loss exercise programs or diet should be started slowly and we advise you to always consult your doctor or physician beforehand.